Forum Post: PLEASE HELP! Donations for OccupySTL needed now for bail!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 12, 2011, 11:38 a.m. EST by theamericanspring
from St Louis, MO
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
27 arrests in STL last night at midnight.
Please donate to help bail them out:
Thank you!,0,3141351.story,0,1040648.story
As soon as I get more news, I will post it here.
They practiced getting arrested. Jail was the logical conclusion to their plan. (as fucked up as it was) So ...leave em alone. They're fine.
No freaking way. Let them cool their heels in jail.
Maybe if the people in NY who are using your efforts, could actually pay attention long enough, they might give some of the money to help. Ever wonder why all the money for the movement that is countrywide is only being controlled by a few people in NY and their GA is the only one that gets to decide how to spend the money. Or better yet the Spokes Council.
Ask OWS NY since they can afford to spend 29k for twenty to go to Egypt they may be able to help Americans!
I bet they were asked to leave and did not, their choice.