Forum Post: Dolphins in the military
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 18, 2012, 4:22 a.m. EST by Spade2
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
"With fears that Iran may attempt to block the Strait of Hormuz, the U.S. Navy may call upon the underwater mine-detecting capabilities of dolphins to keep important oil shipments moving safely out of the Persian Gulf." What do y'all think of that?
"Marine Mammals" as the military calls them, have been used for years. They were used in the first Gulf war offshore of Kuwait and were part of the deceptions and tricks that were used by the U.S. Military to make the Iraqis believe the nain thrust of the U.S. would be a sea-borne attack rather than the now well-known "left hook" manuver that the U.S. used (going from the south-west Saudi desert, first moving north, then turning right to outflank the Iraqi troops in Kuwait). Marine mammels are used to locate mines, but they are far too valuable to be allowed to be usually in most cases the mines they find are destroyed by explosives carried and attached by robot vehicles. It takes a long time to train a Dolphin, and anyhow they are to smart to be willing to blow themselves up. They also are very friendly and enjoy human their human handlers often make great friendships with them.
The dolphin fishing of Japan is cruel. However, a military dolphin in the United States is crueller than the dolphin fishing of Japan.
If it opposes the dolphin fishing of Japan, it is necessary to oppose a military dolphin in the United States. I think so. Will you think so?
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No, they use dogs too and they take great care of them, I'd rather put dolphins in harms way than my fellow Americans
Remove the trade sanctions on Iran.
The BS propaganda about Iran is the same shite they spruiked about Saddam. Don't buy it.
Your govt thinks you are all dumb as dogshit.
Let them know you are onto their BS campaign.
Laugh at the media crusade against Iran.
Remember that Iran herded up Al Qaida reps after 911, and handed them over to your military.
This is not about dolphins. It is about hundreds of thousands of innocent people, just like those killed in Iraq.
And remember the thousands of American troops killed and maimed for life in that illegal invasion.
I personally don't believe we're heading for a war with Iran, so for me it is about the dolphins, it's kick ass!
Sorry to burst your bubble Spade, and I do love dolphins myself, and my two times of actually being in the waves surfing with a pod of fifty plus dolphins at Double Island point, and again at Fitzgerald River National park, were spiritually deep times for me, but the invasion of Iran seems pencilled in with ink these days.
Only time will tell
I hope you are right, Spade2.
I won't mind at all losing on this one.
Well, they're no good at football. They couldn't even "Suck for Luck" this season. It looks like they're stuck with another mediocre draft pick.
That's why I'm glad I don't live in Miami