Forum Post: Does OWS Support One Central Bank of the World?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 25, 2011, 10:51 p.m. EST by Greenzen
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I just want to make sure that I am on the same page with this movement. I do not want one NWO currency. The Vatican's statement has me spooked. I think a monopoly of currency distributed by one organization would be dangerous. It is hard enough to find out who are the actual players in the markets. This would make it impossible.
No.. this movement is about identifying the collective problem by bringing together the new thinkers with individual solutions
I think the movement understands the best way to rob a bank is an inside job. I imagine the same players in NWO Central Bank. They would be much more insulated from any prosecution.
Yeah I agree. This is scary talk.
There are very few in the movement who even know what the Fed is. One has to be educated enough to oppose a NWO central bank.
I hope not.
Not in Tampa. We prefer to remove the central bank of the USA