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Forum Post: Does OWS really know who the 99% are?

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 11:18 a.m. EST by noism (78) from Seattle, WA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

And are you willing to sacrifice 70% of that support in order to push for more specific agendas?

Why can't I see any admins/mods on this forum who are clear and neutral about these issues in order to represent a clearer goal?

Who the heck ARE the mods/admins here?

I am a moderate, and am 100% for demonstrations and protests against the general idea of corporate and government corruption and needing our government to be for the people not big money. I was out on Sat. demonstrating with you guys....BUT

I am NOT hooplahing about your "Call to action" or list of demands/statements being touted. It sounds more Marxist, which is a political viewpoint, not a "Call to action". Scrap the political agendas will you so that the rest of us working class and others can join in this, or we'll go somewhere else FAST.



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[-] 1 points by randallburns (211) from Washougal, WA 13 years ago

The 99% are folks with less than $5 million in assets. See ed Wolff at NYU.

[-] 1 points by bangbang (61) 13 years ago

No but 85% of them are Christians and Catholics who are taking part in the Occupy Movement who want to overthrow the American government and make the USA into a Christian dictatorship, like Hitler and Nazi Germany only worse. Their Occupy Movement is a front for the Christian Terrorist to take over, notice how the Oath Keepers and other Christian Terrorist groups like the ANONYMOUS group are getting into it. All of this started happening as gay marriage is taking over the country and gays can openly serve in the Military and this is driving the crazy Christians more insane that they are already and they want to stop it any way they can. Most people are fooled by the Christian propaganda and have no idea what the Christian Terrorist leaders are doing. The sheep again are being sent to slaughter by the evil Christian Right Wing Terrorist and most sheep have no idea of what is being done. It is really a Holy War in America to take over America, the real terrorist now are the Christians, the evil Christians. Don't tell me they can't be evil, any group like the Catholic pedophile priest who rape and abuse children and then the Catholic church hides them or gets them off with all their money makes them as evil as any Satan. In fact the Pope and the Catholic church heads are the 1% of the world. They pay no taxes and sheepeople give them millions every week around the world.

[-] 1 points by LNAB73 (82) from Oklahoma City, OK 13 years ago

I haven't seen a list of official demands. It is my hope that the movement focuses only on removing the corrupting influences so that good governance and prosperity for all can emerge. http://www.facebook.com/notes/bella-cennato-wade/why-occupy-wall-street-because-if-we-dont-stop-the-corruption-of-the-body-politi/10150336413048367