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Forum Post: Does democracy work?

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 5:04 p.m. EST by Emcalone (88) from Plano, TX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

No, democracy is just a system of bribery. Corporations bribe politicians and politicians bribe the people for votes. That is why we end up with huge sovereign debt. The recurring problem in human history is that people give into power and power always corrupts over time. Relying on the government to solve our problems is what has caused this economic crisis in the first place. Liberate yourself and denounce all power structures. That is the only solution...



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[-] 2 points by aramoo (2) from Baghdad, Baghdād 13 years ago

intelligent idea

[-] 1 points by MeAndWeThePeople (59) from Chicago, IL 13 years ago

Let's all go back to our caves!

[-] 1 points by Emcalone (88) from Plano, TX 13 years ago

you know... the worlds biggest economic and scientific booms happened after governments decentralized their power over the people. aka Roman Empire, The Renaissance under the British British Empire(after the Magna Carta), and post revolutionary America. They all crashed because the economic boom insentivised governments to grow in order to collect taxes from the booming tax base. We need to take it one step further and get rid of the state permanently.

[-] 1 points by Emcalone (88) from Plano, TX 13 years ago

anarchy FTW!!!! yaya