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Forum Post: Does Anyone Disagree With This?

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 11:11 a.m. EST by theoke (5) from Washington, DC
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Why don't representatives vote for things a majority of the constituents want? Joke is on us because we're not the real constituents.

We can't address the wealth disparity with a government that facilitated it because 99% of Americans have no say in government policy.

Banking reform, tax reform, healthcare reform.. are UNATTAINABLE because every line of every bill passed has been AUCTIONED OFF!

Everything we've done so far to make the democratic process accessible over the course of our country's history has been undermined.

The government answers to corporations, interest groups backed by the 1%. That's who they make policy for.

Corporate person hood is the one and only obstacle to getting things done. Getting rid of it will be the window to changing America.

We (the people) alone should fund candidates so they answer to us!

OF the people. BY the people. FOR the people. Corporations are NOT people.



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[-] 1 points by reddy2 (256) 13 years ago

Not only do you have no say in govt policy but most of the legislation is actually written by the corporates and banksters and lobbyists themselves...

and to rub even more salt in the wound, congress generally don't have time to read it before it's voted on...

and to make matters even worse (if that's possible) unrelated legislation is snuck in to avoid oversight....

Phew sure glad America has a constitution as a last resort to reign in these guys....

ohh that's right...

they disregard that too.

America is bankrupt.

Government is an uncontrolled monster.

And people still think it is there to serve them.?

[-] 1 points by misunderstood101 (68) from Los Angeles, CA 13 years ago

did you know that about only 1% really care for the change occupy wants..there will always be a ruler and their cronies and there supporters that will rule the many..it will be just a power shift.. history always repeats its self..look at other countries past and present when the revolution was for the people.

[-] 1 points by nagriffin (4) 13 years ago

In some way I disagree because Corporation hire people but I believe that Banks and the Officers and Directors should have been held accountable and they were not.

Madof went to jail because he stole from the Rich but because Banks stole from the Middle Class not one of the executives did a day. Countrywide was responsible for almost a billion in losses he had to pay a $500,000 file. He had friends in Washington he was never charges not only did he not do a day in jail but he got to keep the money. All this while taxpayer money bailed out the banks but the homeowner who paid his mortgage had is home taken and his children put on the streets.

NO JUSTICE until the people that lobby Washington on both sides have to pay for the crime. How come banks were to big to fail but the American Taxpayer could lose everything he built up over his life time.

JUSTICE that is what people want

[-] 1 points by OnePeople (103) 13 years ago

Cut out the first half of your post and I agree