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Forum Post: Do You Truly Want To Make A Difference?

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 19, 2011, 12:20 p.m. EST by POedinMissoula (1)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

So far, occupying Wall Street has done nothing to change the course of the stock market or to deter our congressmen from making oodles of money off of the people. It is like parents watching their children pitch a tempter-tantrum. They take away your privileges and stick your nose in the corner or put you on restriction. Is it worth it, or do you REALLY want to disrupt the process behind how this country is run?

The so-called 99% have a lot more power than they think. They are the true force behind who makes money and who suffers because the 1% feeds off of the state of the economy.

Absolutely, march your little hearts out, but also do something from the comfort of your home or city or state or armchair or car:

  • stop catering to businesses who went overseas to find their workforce.

  • put your money into smaller banks and not-for-profit cooperatives like credit unions.

  • pay with cash.

  • cut down on buying gasoline and take the bus or bike to work or walk.

  • fight to legalize marijuana in your state and cleanse your system of unnecessary medications that only gives more power to the drug companies ... toss your seeds in vacant lots and public parks and anywhere else that will get the message across "we do not need Mexico to support of habits". Toke instead of drinking yourselves and others to an early grave!

  • coddle your local supermarkets with the understanding they have to reduce their prices to keep your business, and ditch the chains to drive down the cost of food.

  • oust EVERY incumbent in Congress and elect the no-body with the understanding if they do not vote for the Stock Act, which would make it illegal for members of Congress to trade stocks on non-public information and require them to report their stock trades every 90 days instead of once a year AND require congressional leaders to have their stock funds in blind trusts to discourage "insider trading", than out they go! And, make them eliminate all earmarks.

  • be imaginative!

  • use your talents and God-given gifts.

  • do anything and everything within your power to cut the money-flow going to the 1% and I guarantee YOU WILL MAKE THE DIFFERENCE needed to change the way business is done in the United States.



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[-] 1 points by demcapitalist (977) 13 years ago

Maybe avoid supermarkets when you can and go to local farm markets. Big food is just as bad as big oil, not to mention who knows where your supermarket produce was grown. There's local fish markets and local butchers, not like they're used to be but they are out there.

[-] 1 points by AuditElmerFudd (259) 13 years ago

Members of Congress who use inside information about upcoming legislation should be summarily bounced from office, I agree.

[-] 0 points by ChristopherABrownART5 (46) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

"stop catering to those who went overseas to find their workforce."

Consider examining what was treason, GATT and NAFTA, that allowed overseas manufacturing to expand.

Consider taking an active role in creating an article 5 convention. In doing that all of the other quality points can be addressed with competent authority.