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Forum Post: Do you really believe??? Then do the following:

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 10:52 a.m. EST by MoneyisKey (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

This country is being run by money for money so STOP feeding the monster!

1) Stop being a consumer: a. Stop buying gas b. Stop buying electronics c. Stop buying ANYTHING that is not essential to life. 2) Stop putting money into your 401K 3) Stop Paying taxes i.e. claim exempt on your W-4 4) Pull your money OUT of the bank.



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[-] 1 points by NbdySpcl (27) 13 years ago

Organized focused attention imo.

Let one shoe brand know what we are about. Stage events to get media attention. The retail and fashion industry is fast moving hungry beast. Trends will be forced into place and thus changed will be made. Smart small start ups will offer a better US constructed item, better US jobs etc... Maybe a top 20 company vs a top3-5. Like Puma, Vans, Converse will step up and change policy for where they house their sales staff, where they buy materials, where the make shoes. Who they "brand" to wear them. A staged boycott of one brand for the upcoming holidays will have retailers, buyers, shoe companies and trend setters consumers quickly looking to adjust and meet suppliers demands. We are the buyers for all these companies, we are the consumers, we are the retail workers... This would be highly effective in getting major markets to adjust peacefully and give notice that they are doing so. The fashion industry is and always has been the peoples. It can be fast moving and unforgiving. But it is ultimately OURS.

[-] 1 points by GentleGuy (6) 13 years ago

Yeah, just stop paying on everything you owe. You are young And it sounds like you do not plan to purchase new things in the future. You never plan to own anything because you would be buying from the corporations you despise. Who cares if it takes 10 years to repair your credit rating. Your brain is going to take that long to develop and understand basic economics.

Has anyone asked the general if he paid 3rd quarter estimated taxes on the $300,000 that has been collected for the cause.

[-] 1 points by caardvaark (6) 13 years ago

FInd out if you are eligible to file for Chapter 7. If you are, then do it. This is you legal opportunity to rob the banks.

[-] 1 points by caardvaark (6) 13 years ago

At least close your bank account.and stop paying your credit cards. ANybody can show solidarity by doing these things.