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Forum Post: Do you realize that all these protesters would go away if ...

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 4, 2011, 5 a.m. EST by PeoplehaveDNA (305)
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The government would pass a Public Works Bill like FDR'sThe Civilian Conservation Corps for men and women 18-25. I mean it would put money back into the economy but I guess that is too much of a socialist thing for the Republicans. I think the Infrastructure Bill is the best deal for this economy but I think this country needs more than 75 billion dollars worth of infrastructure work done. If people like Mitch McConnell and Eric Cantor oppose that bill I think that you should march and demand that they resign immediately!!!!



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[-] 1 points by Windsofchange (1044) 13 years ago

Well, PeoplehaveDNA, I agree with you!!! You want to see something scary. Here is our country's last infrastructure report card. http://www.infrastructurereportcard.org/ WARNING--For the faint of heart please don't click on this link or go to directly to this website. Ofcourse, I am kidding around a bit, but seriously if you look at this report card you will become very concerned as much of our infrastructure is reaching a time where it should be either replaced or critical repair is needed at the very least. We don't want another incident happening like the bridge collapse in Minneapolis. Yet, this could very well happen and especially in the event of a natural calamity like an earthquake, hurricane, or flood. We can't afford to not have a Public Works Bill.

If Mitch McConnell and Eric Cantor try to shoot it down, then they should be taken out by the people for a public flogging, followed by being tarred and feather. Sorry, but I am sick of these guys, since we can't do the thing I just mentioned (darn), I strongly agree that we should demand their immediate resignation. We need problem-solvers in Congress, not those who have no intention of solving the nation's problems (at least when it concerns the American people.) These two are behaving in a way that is unAmerican and unPatriotic. They are only blocking laws from being passed and progressed being made. We simply don't need them!

Okay, that's my rant. Thanks for your post. Got to go.
