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Forum Post: Do you have Occupy Solutions? We Are Uniting for Occupy Solutions. Tell the WORLD!

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 28, 2011, 1:30 a.m. EST by AnonymousOccupySolutions (37)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Tell the World! We Are Uniting for Occupy Solutions: Do you have Occupy Solutions? Post your solutions on the wall: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Occupy-Solutions/285143954837297



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[-] 3 points by AnonymousOccupySolutions (37) 13 years ago

I love hearing all your ideas, the people who actually contribute.

[-] 2 points by GeorgeCarlinRules (482) 13 years ago

OWS create parallel government http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SQqjTxI3vc

Intro to resourced based economy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mkRFCtl2MI

[-] 1 points by BlogMakeover (29) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by OccupyNews (1220) 13 years ago

Justifiable debt restructure can instantly help.

[-] 1 points by audidriver28 (16) 13 years ago

Please share this with every camp that is still remaining, time is short and we are losing, the time for a new game plan is arising.

At the given time that the police are present and are surrounding the your group, the best move is NOT!!! to sit in a tight group, but to disperse and confuse the police. We are making it too easy for the police to break up our camps, so we need to start playing the chess game with them, instead of them checking us in every city. Sitting down on the job is making it too ease for them to violate our constitution. Sometimes a little chaos theory is the best method to beat police conformity

Once again, when police arrive to tear down a camp:

  1. DO NOT let the police CIRCLE suround you
  2. pick up your signs, but leave your tents,
  3. split up and disperse in many direction, but do not leave the area, stay within 500 ft. or so, Just get outside of the police circle.
  4. Wait there, and/or hover around the general area. (with your signs)
  5. Do not let the police sou round a large number of protesters. The key is confusion and disarray.
  6. Make it as difficult as possible for the police at all costs once arrests start

Lets call this.

Split, disperce,hover, and wait

[-] 0 points by WeMustStandTogether (106) from Newark, NJ 13 years ago

I intend to be posting suggestions right where i do now. Stop censoring already is my 1st solution then since earlier ones deleted. Why does a revolutionary global social movement still insist upon counterrevolutionary monitoring this forum? You're not providing any more freedom than a corporate site. Strive to be better - that is revolutionary. Peace.

[-] 0 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago
  • -- Direct Action - Proposal before the committee: A Demonstration of Tongues
  • -- The Repelican Party has Got To Go!
  • -- I have been saying Attack the Lies
  • Greed, I say, Is NOT Good

  • -- Sub-Prime - - - Liminal CHAOS

I don't like facebook. Feel free to link back.

[-] 0 points by wmnmcq1944 (0) 13 years ago

I don't seem to be very able to post here but I don't use facebook.
I think occupy needs a goal and the following can help reduce a lot of the cozy relationships between congress and business. Maybe someone with legal expertise could tighten it up.

The following is a rough draft of a proposed constitutional amendment making legislators subject to the same limits to bribery and conflict of interest as other public servants. It should go a long way toward eliminating the influence of special interest groups.

All Salary, Benefits, Pensions and operational expenses will be paid by the state or district from which a legislator is elected in accordance with that states public employment policies. A legislator is prohibited from benefiting from the position through utilization of sensitive and privileged information. The candidate cannot knowingly vote on issues that will contribute directly to their own income or in which there is an apparent conflict of interest. Legislators or their staff may not pass sensitive information to others for purposes of profit. Legislators, any person running for public office, their relatives, or staff cannot accept gifts, remuneration, donations, goods or services in excess of an amount set by the Executive and approved by the judicial branch. Donations in excess of this amount may only be made through fund raising committees that will maintain anonymity and not reveal the identity of donors to the recipient or the recipient’s associates Legislators may not serve as lobbyists or legislative consultants for 10 years after their term in office. Offers of employment for legislators or their family cannot be made while a legislator is in office. Immediate family cannot serve as lobbyists while the legislator is in office. Legislators and associates out of compliance with this provision will be charged by the executive and tried by the Judicial and may be removed from office and may be subject to criminal prosecution and civil penalties to be imposed on leaving office. Corporations, partnerships, businesses, interest groups are not considered citizens. The officers, owners, board of directors, other management, involved employees or representatives of such organizations are personally subject to the provisions of this amendment if the organization is not in compliance and they may be subject to civil and criminal prosecution.

**Penalties are the tricky part, as they must adjust over time. Perhaps the penalties for bribery of a public official in their state of residence or federal penalties for bribery of a public official might be used.

[-] 0 points by wmnmcq1944 (0) 13 years ago

I don't do face book but I suggest that there are solutions readily available. Perhaps somebody can refine this constitutional amendment proposal. Only 34 states have to ratify and it can be put on the ballot by referendum in each state.

The following is a rough draft of a proposed constitutional amendment making legislators subject to the same limits to bribery and conflict of interest as other public servants. It should go a long way toward eliminating the influence of special interest groups.

All Salary, Benefits, Pensions and operational expenses will be paid by the state or district from which a legislator is elected in accordance with that states public employment policies. A legislator is prohibited from benefiting from the position through utilization of sensitive and privileged information. The candidate cannot knowingly vote on issues that will contribute directly to their own income or in which there is an apparent conflict of interest. Legislators or their staff may not pass sensitive information to others for purposes of profit. Legislators, any person running for public office, their relatives, or staff cannot accept gifts, remuneration, donations, goods or services in excess of an amount set by the Executive and approved by the judicial branch. Donations in excess of this amount may only be made through fund raising committees that will maintain anonymity and not reveal the identity of donors to the recipient or the recipient’s associates Legislators may not serve as lobbyists or legislative consultants for 10 years after their term in office. Offers of employment for legislators or their family cannot be made while a legislator is in office. Immediate family cannot serve as lobbyists while the legislator is in office. Legislators and associates out of compliance with this provision will be charged by the executive and tried by the Judicial and may be removed from office and may be subject to criminal prosecution and civil penalties to be imposed on leaving office. Corporations, partnerships, businesses, interest groups are not considered citizens. The officers, owners, board of directors, other management, involved employees or representatives of such organizations are personally subject to the provisions of this amendment if the organization is not in compliance and they may be subject to civil and criminal prosecution.

**Penalties are the tricky part, as they must adjust over time. Perhaps the penalties for bribery of a public official in their state of residence or federal penalties for bribery of a public official might be used.

[-] 0 points by dataeast (0) 13 years ago

Why don't OWS Occupy DC.....it's the law makers that create the situations you are all protesting.....let's face it, a corporation can't get a bail out, if the government does not give it.......It's your congressmen who "say" the represent you in DC that are creating the issues.....Look at EVERY issue you are protesting....it all starts with DC.....protesting in the streets of wall street...blocking entrances to stores and businesses where the real 99% go to work, creating more stress for them as they try to feed their families.....Hey, it's winter and guess what..heat cost $$ what about the 20 people who have had to be laid off at a certian shop in NYC because of protestors preventing fellow Americans to enter the establishment? What about the millions you are all costing the taxpayer because you don't clean up after yourselves...and cause so much overtime for emergency service's?? Shouting at people as they wait to go shopping on black friday? Really? Are you kidding? You mean to tell me you have any right to tell me where I spend MY hard earned money?

I really hope you all come to some kind of point which the rest of us Americans can understand...because right now it's all added up to a bunch of people using the 1st amendment as a way to party and be obnoxious....

I pray ya'll can focus and put the blame where it belongs....that little town called DC

[-] 0 points by OccupyNews (1220) 13 years ago

Reduce consumer debt, reduce our dependence on wall street, the banks and even our own government.

Reduced dependence means the crazy fraudulent schemes that Wall street continues to improvise won't find main street money since we will begin to learn how to make each other wealthy enough. Do you trust your debit card money with wall street?

Let the rich screw over the rich.

I'm ok with that.

Justifiable debt restructure would provide a sane, reasonable way to for consumers to pay down their debts while not feeding the fraudulent wall street money making machine. http://occupynews.blogspot.com/2011/11/justifiable-debt-restructure-would.html


[-] -1 points by winwinforall (-13) 13 years ago

The bankers / wall street / financiers are one of the same families. Expose them and let them know the "power of the united people" and "the power of the pen" about them can go far and wide because of their abuse.

Expose Expose Expose their lies and secrets !!!! They are the anti-christ !!!

So, use the power of the pen to do it. By now, more and more people know about: 1) USA is a corporation owned by the british crown 2) Congress works for the corporation and "lawyer politicians" (of course) work for the british crown and not the USA (they took an israeli oath called "kol nidre" and joined the BAR=British Accredited Registry) 3) They use a fraudulent corporate constitution (they took out the 13th Amendment that prohibits lawyers / esquires to take public office

All the above info can be found at:



and http://hatonn.blogspot.com

some of them are really packed with their secrets being exposed:

2007 Contact papers in particular exposed the enemy of man (or the anti-christ) of this planet and here are the links:

http://phoenixmaterials.org/pdf/070425.pdf (Armageddon draws near)

http://phoenixmaterials.org/pdf/070509.pdf (Our only source for real "news")

http://phoenixmaterials.org/pdf/070523.pdf (Not gloom and doom, but hope)

http://phoenixmaterials.org/pdf/070606.pdf (Pick up that shovel and start digging)

http://phoenixmaterials.org/pdf/070620.pdf (Freedom has to be earned)

http://phoenixmaterials.org/pdf/070704.pdf (Announcing: The possible end of civilization)

http://phoenixmaterials.org/pdf/070718.pdf (Know what is going on)

http://phoenixmaterials.org/pdf/070801.pdf (September is the deadline - if not much sooner)

http://phoenixmaterials.org/pdf/070815.pdf (Accept your power, rewrite the script)

http://phoenixmaterials.org/pdf/070905.pdf (Time to act on what you know)

http://phoenixmaterials.org/pdf/070926.pdf (War within the minds of man)

http://phoenixmaterials.org/pdf/071010.pdf (Clean out the foxes from the hen house)

http://phoenixmaterials.org/pdf/071031.pdf (Who runs our foreign policy?)

http://phoenixmaterials.org/pdf/071121.pdf (Staged UFO invasion to terrify us hosted by NBC's Matt Lauer)

http://phoenixmaterials.org/pdf/071212.pdf (The plan to destroy the United States of America)

http://phoenixmaterials.org/pdf/070110.pdf (It's time for the real 13th Amendment)

http://phoenixmaterials.org/pdf/071212.pdf (The Plan to destroy the United States of America)