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Forum Post: Do you have a good business idea? I have one...become a Tutor.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 7:12 a.m. EST by SmallBizGuy (378) from Savannah, GA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Here is a practical solution. I know that this idea doesn't put everyone back to work....but...you have to start somewhere. And, it may help a few more people earn a respectable living.

Become a Tutor.

I hear that a lot of the OWS crowd have a good formal education, but can't find a job. Starting a tutoring business is very inexpensive. The demand is very high at the moment due to our overloaded educational system. It doesn't put teachers out of their jobs. It is a supplement to their teachings.

Tutoring can be done from your home, or you can go to the student's home. Put out flyers, visit your local school events, and hand out biz cards.

I want everyone to start focusing on solutions. This is just one idea.

Post some of your ideas for starting a business. Be creative, and focus on start-ups that don't take a lot of money to start (remember...keep the banks out of it).



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