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Forum Post: Do you feel duped since voting for Obama in '08?

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 27, 2011, 12:38 a.m. EST by bereal (235)
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You may want to rethink being in OWS because you're being duped again.

How many times are you nubes gonna fall for this leftist political BS?



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[-] 2 points by OccupyNews (1220) 13 years ago

Hillary Clinton was the best choice in 2008, and remains so for 2012. There were too many wall street forces afraid of her committment to healthcare and solving the home foreclosure crisis, so they went for Obama instead.

Two of Obama's key appointees, Eric Holder, did legal work for MERS, and Geithner is a total wall street player who blatantly cheated on his taxes.

[-] 1 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 13 years ago

False. Dennis Kucinich was the best man for 2008. He calls out all those who do no hold themselves accountable for their actions and that includes Hilary.

Dennis Kucinich ripped congress a new one during the bail outs. "Is this the US congress or the board of directors of Goldman Sachs?"


he also didn't support the rights killing bill called the patriot act that gave the federal government unchecked ability of search and seizure in complete violation of the 4th amendment.

[-] 0 points by alouis (1511) from New York, NY 13 years ago


I can see why they're running him out of Congress.

[-] 1 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 13 years ago

I follow his youtube page and check his press releases all the time. Dennis Kucinich is my hero. He's speaks the truth and calls out the corrupt all the time. Even if that means calling out democrats. He's called out Obama for unconstitutional acts of war and supporting the bailouts, he called out all the democrats for voting in favor of the patriot act during the 2007 democratic debates. Kucinich is a beast. He speaks too much truth for the elite and the media to spin it to win it. People vote based on tv. Hilary and Obama was what the tv played.

[-] 0 points by alouis (1511) from New York, NY 13 years ago

I thought they had redistricted him out or are about to do that. I did not mean to say that his constituents had voted him out.

[-] 1 points by OccupyNews (1220) 13 years ago

Kucinich chose to run against Kaptur when he could have run in another district. I felt this was somewhat of a selfish move since Kaptur is one of the few congress people to stand up to people like Jamie Dimon.

Would not suprise me if Obama or his minions offered Kucinich an incentive to go against Kaptur and get her out of the picture. Kucinich should know better than to knock out one of the staunchest allies for distressed homeowners that is in Congress.

[-] 0 points by alouis (1511) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Thank you for this information. I had not kept up with that situation.


[-] 1 points by Mattholck (51) 13 years ago


since 00 on the questioned election

Bill Clinton Bombs an Aspirin Factory

The following are ten articles, in reverse chronological order, about the US cruise missile demolition of a pharmaceuticals factory in Sudan.

from TPDL 2000-Aug-1, from the Associated Press 2000-Jul-31:




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