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Forum Post: Do the Foreigners, Communists, and Anarchists Delegitimize this movement?

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 12:07 p.m. EST by MikeyD (581) from Alameda, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I think there were one or two fairly tasteless signs at the tea party rallies about Barack Obama, and 6 months later, the media has a good percentage of people believing the Tea Party is racist.

When there are SO MANY people calling for the death of Capitalism, a revolution, and even a few holocaust deniers on the chat last night, I have to wonder what the opinion of this movement will be 6 months from now. Is it even possible to clean it up?



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[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

as long as the lucid majority stands strong and gets coherent, the 1 percent wingnut faction can be sidelined and ignored.

we need to embrace people as whole people and see ideologues as victims of a psychological parasite. These people need help, and over all the help they need is waking up to the truths that we are providing.

Compassion is the key, but compassion with severity and discipline in balance, we have to gently stand up to the nonsense while still loving the nonsense programmed person.




According to a 2008 article by David Rothkopf, the world’s 1,100 richest people have almost twice the assets of the poorest 2.5 billion (Rothkopf, 2008). Aside from the obvious problem – that this global elite has their hands in everything from politics to financial institutions – …





To the extent that we, the people, are removed from control over our lands, marketplaces, central banks, and media we are no longer empowered. In practice, those few who do control the land, central bank, media and "free market" are the real rulers of our corrupt and declining "democracy."

Due to propaganda from a corporate-owned and edited media we are kept from knowing, much less debating, the nature of our system. Due to a central bank owned by bankers, media owned by a few global concerns, and trade regime controlled by global corporations (i.e., one designed to remove the people from control over their markets and environments) the vast majority have become little more than latter-day serfs and neo-slaves upon a corporate latifundia.

To restore a semblance of effective democracy and true freedom Americans, and people around the world, need to re-educate themselves as to the true nature of their political and economic systems. Toward this end, OligarchyUSA.com is dedicated to providing old and new information, books, links, reform ideas and debates not easily found or accessed today in establishment media.

OligarchyUSA.com is but one more site and sign of the times as ground-up counter-revolutions arise around the world... all in response to a forced and freedomless globalization courtesy of a ruling global elite perfecting their top-down plutocracy and revolutions of the rich against the poor. In short, democracy is no longer effective today. For this reason, it is toward a restoration of truly effective and representative democracies, and natural freedom, that this site is dedicated.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

as long as the lucid majority stands strong and gets coherent, the 1 percent wingnut faction can be sidelined and ignored.

we need to embrace people as whole people and see ideologues as victims of a psychological parasite. These people need help, and over all the help they need is waking up to the truths that we are providing.

Compassion is the key, but compassion with severity and discipline in balance, we have to gently stand up to the nonsense while still loving the nonsense programmed person.




According to a 2008 article by David Rothkopf, the world’s 1,100 richest people have almost twice the assets of the poorest 2.5 billion (Rothkopf, 2008). Aside from the obvious problem – that this global elite has their hands in everything from politics to financial institutions – …





To the extent that we, the people, are removed from control over our lands, marketplaces, central banks, and media we are no longer empowered. In practice, those few who do control the land, central bank, media and "free market" are the real rulers of our corrupt and declining "democracy."

Due to propaganda from a corporate-owned and edited media we are kept from knowing, much less debating, the nature of our system. Due to a central bank owned by bankers, media owned by a few global concerns, and trade regime controlled by global corporations (i.e., one designed to remove the people from control over their markets and environments) the vast majority have become little more than latter-day serfs and neo-slaves upon a corporate latifundia.

To restore a semblance of effective democracy and true freedom Americans, and people around the world, need to re-educate themselves as to the true nature of their political and economic systems. Toward this end, OligarchyUSA.com is dedicated to providing old and new information, books, links, reform ideas and debates not easily found or accessed today in establishment media.

OligarchyUSA.com is but one more site and sign of the times as ground-up counter-revolutions arise around the world... all in response to a forced and freedomless globalization courtesy of a ruling global elite perfecting their top-down plutocracy and revolutions of the rich against the poor. In short, democracy is no longer effective today. For this reason, it is toward a restoration of truly effective and representative democracies, and natural freedom, that this site is dedicated.

[-] 1 points by StevenMagnetgAyq5lzi952 (40) 13 years ago

Yehaw Them Thar Brown People And Those Commu-marxa-nazi-socia-whosawhatsits Are In Da Nyc And Be Threatenen Are Freedumz With Their Hippieness And Ideas About Equality And Responsability

God, my brain hurts.

[-] 1 points by MikeyD (581) from Alameda, CA 13 years ago

I was unaware anarchists were brown, black, or any other color. You might more easily identify them by the signs they carry, you know, something like "End the Whole system"


Now that you've shown up on this thread, I should add people who promote partisan stereotypes to that list.

Mindless partisan drones who speak in talking points give the impression that the whole thing is just a get out the vote campaign for Obama, the guy who promotes corporate tax avoiders like GE CEO Jeff Immelt to his "Jobs council". Wise up, and quit being part of the problem.

[-] 1 points by abmebratu (349) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

By the way who are we calling Immigrants?? As far as history is concerned everyone who came to the Americas after Columbus did so illegally. Let's not forget there was a native population that we managed to wipe out through various means over the past 500 years. So if we are talking about foreigners, remember that when we point one figure, three point back to us..................

[-] 1 points by WorldFreedom (62) 13 years ago

What we are witnessing is humanity reconciling the state of humanity.

This will not influence the people on the ground at OWS because they have already reconciled and are Being The Change.

We should not get hung up on labels - the entire old paradigm is finished.

[-] 1 points by MikeyD (581) from Alameda, CA 13 years ago

The old paradigm is finished.... because you say it is? There will still be free and fair elections in this country next year. GE will continue to evade taxes while remaining in employ of the white house.

You should be a little less concerned about influencing the people on the ground at OWS in favor of influencing the people who vote, and that will require shedding the extremists elements you are welcoming.

[-] 1 points by abmebratu (349) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

I agree with you to some extent. I think holocaust deniers are loonies, but However Communism and Anarchism is a political and economic belief just like capitalism, and with all due respect you cannot deny people their right to believe and support political organization. There are communist and socialist parties all over democratic western Europe, so why are we so afraid of it in America. In the 1920, 30, and 40 millions of Average Americans were part of the American Communist Party. If there are Republican and Democrats in this country, then by all means Communist party member should be aloud. There is nothing un-American about it. In fact Some of the rights we enjoy today, such as the 8 hour work day can largely be credited to the American Communist Party. I know the Media as managed to spook most American about the C word. This spooking process took decades to accomplish. In fact the cold and the repressive Soviet state has managed to accelerate this spooking. Nevertheless, this does not mean that we have nothing good to learn from Communism. Like Democrats and Republican it has its ups and downs. It is no more and no less perfect.

[-] 1 points by MikeyD (581) from Alameda, CA 13 years ago

You can't deny the communist party USA it's right to support OWS(which it does), but if the message doesn't get out that their values are not OWS values, it will be assumed they are. I appreciate the problem, but the whole mess seems doomed to failure if something is not done.

[-] 1 points by abmebratu (349) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

Whatever the values of the Communist party USA, our democratic system must remain open to them. I think it would be hard to continue to call our country democratic, if we continually relegate communists, anarchists, libertarians, real conservatives, or whoever else it may be....... This unfounded political ostracizing must stop. It it not good for America and it's certainly undemocratic.

[-] 1 points by MikeyD (581) from Alameda, CA 13 years ago

I happen to agree, but don't complain when people rightly summarize the movement as "Communist Sympathizing" as a matter of general fact three months from now. Right now, the definition of this movement is still in flux, which means something can be done about it.

FYI, if it does earn the official title "Communist Leaning", it will be completely delegitimized in the eyes of anyone who votes in this country, rendering it impotent.

[-] 1 points by abmebratu (349) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

Well, you know there are people in the country who were willing to go as far as calling Mr. Obama a communist, a socialist, and a Nazi all in one sentence. So I would not be surprise if this were to happen to the occupy movement as well. In fact I expect it. That will be the inevitable reaction of the corporate sector and its affiliates to this movement. To avoid this drama and survive the witch hunt protesters must be determined to withstand. Contrary to your analysis of time, I believe the longer protesters remain steadfast and focused then time is on their side, as the system will always leave itself exposed to make mistakes.

[-] 1 points by Doctor (8) from New York, NY 13 years ago

I think this movement has it's share of angry extremists like any group. You also have some people working to delegitamize the group from the inside. What we need to do is condone those actions, publicly. Call for peaceful protest and civility

[-] 1 points by MikeyD (581) from Alameda, CA 13 years ago

If one or two extremists can so badly damage the reputation of the tea party (with the help of the media), how much more so will the active participation of the large numbers of them in OWS?

[-] 1 points by notresponsible42 (64) from Jacksonville, FL 13 years ago

I think the answer is in your very own soul MikeyD. Do you volunteer for the republican party or do they pay you?

[-] 1 points by MikeyD (581) from Alameda, CA 13 years ago

Neither. I just like to ask questions I consider thought provoking. Apparently it didn't work. I suppose that either makes you one of the Anarchists/Communists/ etc, or it means you haven't thought it through. If you could actually provide a answer that was thought out, I'd love to read it.

[-] 1 points by notresponsible42 (64) from Jacksonville, FL 13 years ago

Nope I am just looking to agitators. Basic Rovian political strategy you know. Your response is good enough. Thanks.