Forum Post: Do People Really Think This Forum Is The Occupy Movement?
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 6, 2011, 10:58 p.m. EST by XXAnonymouSXX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
It amazes me how many people believe this forum is the movement. Truth is most of the people out creating change aren't monitoring what's going on in the forums. They are to busy doing shit. If you think posting propaganda on these forums is having an impact on what's really going on out in the streets. Then you are much more sad and lonely than you are willing to admit. The people who make up this movement are intelligent enough to see through the lies. So keep posting all the hate in here where no one can see it. The people who really care about making a difference, shut off their computers and TV's and went outside. When you're done spreading rumors, come outside and join us in spreading some truth.
i do not have the means to attend an Occupy event at the moment, as i live far away from one, and am otherwise engaged with other important things. Does this mean i can't express myself on an Occupy forum? I find your thread condescending. Not everyone can literally make it down, but so what. If i am really am a part of the 99% as the slogan goes, then i have every right to my voice as does anyone else.
I give utmost respect to those out there, and believe me, yes, i would attend if i could (and plan on it as soon as i am able) and yes i am willing to put myself out there, even arrest if need be, and am otherwise educating myself, spreading the message, talking about it, so get off your high horse. Just because i cannot at the moment physically attend, and may not be doing as much as those that are, don't think that you are some heroic martyr and above everyone else who still genuinely cares about what Occupy stands for in terms of human rights, economic equality or anything else.
Anyways. If your so special and this forum is not part of the movement why are you posting on it? Just to be a self righteous prick? Congratulations, mission accomplished. I don't mean to be a dick about it myself, but to me thats a bad attitude to have, like anyone not on the street doesn't deserve to have an opinion. Credit must be given to those doing the work wherever, don't get me wrong. I hope to be there somewhere in the near future.
This isn't meant as an attack on people on the forums. It was directed at the haters in here that don't do anything creative. All they do is talk shit. I am just tired of these anti movement asses on here with nothing positive to say. I know there are a lot of great people on here talking about really creative solutions. This isn't directed towards those people and those people are smart enough to see that. I have followed this movement from the start and love everything it stands for. This is my outlet as well.
Yeah, i understand where you're coming from, srry for being so touchy. I think the forum format needs some changing to cull out some of the b.s. started by all the haters, but that is a whole other topic that has been contentiously addressed on here elsewhere.
But yes, i hear you. Apologize for flying off the handle somewhat there. You do actually make a good point.
Thank you. I love this movement and want to protect it like a child.
lol no doubt. I'm with you.
Thank you, I agree
Your comment just proves my point. More rhetoric from a lazy inactivist! Enjoy your sleep through reality brother.
I have a creative solution for you. Get up, go to work, like I know you will. Pay your taxes like I know you will. Put your check in the big corporate bank like I know you will. Make your car payment and pay your rent or mortgage that feeds the big corporations like I know you will. Buy your food at the big box store like I know you will.
That's not rhetoric, that's the truth bubba. You can't change a goddam thing.
For one you don't know a damn thing about me so I'll thank you to stick to stuff you do know like, being a uneducated jack ass. I bank at a credit union. My cars are paid for. My house is paid for. And I don't shop at big box stores. Wow it seams like you don't know jack shit troll. You're like the rest of these mushrooms in here. You're fed nothing but shit so that's all that comes out of you, SHIT! Wake up like I know you won't.
Oh man! What's the difference between a credit union and a corporate bank? Nothing! They are making money from your money you dumbass. And if you tell me you have never had a loan in your life I know you are a liar. If you tell me you have never in your life been to a Wal-Mart or K-Mart or Sears, or bought something at a 7-11, you are truly a liar. You are lying to yourself are making yourself miserable.
I tried to be civil but you sir are a fucking idiot. You must be one of the most truely ignorant shit stains I have encountered on here. To call someone a liar without facts to back up your statement makes you look completely retarded. I don't remember saying I have never shopped at walmart but for you to say I support my family from shopping at these places is absolutely baseless. You just keep proving my point of how completely out of touch with reality you fucking stupid mushmouth trolls are. Why don't you do us all a favor and head out to the garage. Start your car and take long deep breaths for about 20 mins. You truely are one of americas finest sir. Fucking turd.
Hay man, call it like you see it. One minute you say I am lazy, next minute you are telling me to head out to the garage. You don't have to say you live like every other American because you do, you dumbass. So if you are really touching reality, you just roll around at night thinking about how much of a hypocrite you are.
I don't think credit unions sold people homes they could not afford. Credit Unions have a fiduciary responsibility to their clients.
You think that smarter people who aren't greedy use credit unions? Get back under that rock boy!
all you demonstrated to me was a volatile market. we continue to fight, and more of our industries will go the way of that list, boy.
Why do credit unions fail? Because they made bad loans! And why do corporations fail? Because they sell stuff that people don't want. Let the markets roll baby. But don't think for a minute that moving money from a big corporation to a credit union will help you. You have just moved stuff from the frying pan into the fire. Stuff your mattress. Fiduciary responsibility my ass.
well, if that money stays in your mattress and the fed keeps devaluing our money, you'll find that your mattress has more value than the stuffing. you are better off investing in commodities, and not the gold, sparkly kind either.
this forum, is the main ows web page- and it has been under attact.
But this forum is not the entire movement. The people who matter know the difference between truth and propaganda.
I am a part of a local Occupy branch here in Western North Carolina. It is not big at all and they are not doing a whole lot. It's not because they don't want to, but because the opportunities for action here are a bit limited. There are plans for things in the future, namely after Christmas. So, I use these forums to get a feel for what the movement is about, as well as to express and debate a range of views.
This forum is not the movement. It's more like a public debate, really. Some of us work, too, and so we find ways to take part in it in our own ways.
Nobody can see all the hate posted in here? It's up to you whether or not you want to call it hate, but I suspect a lot of protestors view this and become readers. Some have laptops, even while they are protesting.
This isn't meant as an attack on people on the forums. It was directed at the haters in here that don't do anything creative. All they do is talk shit. I am just tired of these anti movement asses on here with nothing positive to say. I know there are a lot of great people on here talking about really creative solutions. This isn't directed towards those people and those people are smart enough to see that. I have followed this movement from the start and love everything it stands for. This is my outlet as well.
adbusters links this forum
No, this is just our dumb front.
Of course, this forum is not the Occupy Movement. It even says so. But after a hard day of work out trying to change the world for the better, its fun to kick back for a few moments an get into this forum; much better than watching TV. .......except when My name is Earl is on.
Actually, I think it is important to engage the people who disagree with this movement. I don't mind at all and have had some really good conversations. Yes, some of them are nuts (or paid trolls), but they're easy to spot and stay away from.
I am pretty much in agreement with the sentiments at the beginning of this thread. However, it is true that perhaps many interested and supportive people are not within easy commuting distance of an occupation or a GA.
Suggestions, even the very best suggestions, without a plan for how to implement them, how to get a GA to adopt them, are like pissing in the wind.
Most people have 2 days a week off. Most people are at least within several hours drive of an occupation or a GA. I would strongly suggest that those who are sincerely interested in helping the movement but are too far from an occupation or GA to attend regularly take a week end and spend a full day at an occupation or at least sit through one GA.
Then go home and talk to your friends and you social network and set up a GA in your community. Start a website. If you build it they will come. Just as many occupations and GAs around the world started as actions in solidarity with OWS, that process needs to continue. That is the best support anybody could give to OWS, much more important than money.
Aside from Publicus1 and the working group on the 99% Declaration busily doing shit, I don't see anything of any significance going on out there. Until todays #Occupy Foreclosures. THAT is brilliant and worth the effort. Wanna occupy winter? Do that shit. That's good shit.
I was under the impression that this was a place to talk about it. I thought at one time someone in Zuccotti Park would post from their media center.
No I don't believe this Forum is THE OWS movement. This Forum is a small part of what is going on in all parts of the world. If you can put up with the Trolls it is a Great Place to learn.
In any organization/movement there are roles. Each participant has their own private role and stake in their future.
A English Teacher would most likely not be a good Nascar Driver. The Nascar driver would most Likely not be a good nuclear Scientist.
Yet all three persons above are part of our scociety and help the quality of our lives.
This movements needs everyone and every ones support . Some are young and physical and can go outside. Others help with their education like the Lawers who serve OWS Pro Bono. Speaking to your friends and neighbors is also a job.
I agree.
But many don't know what they are doing. My hope is that a few will monitor this and pass on information. I've been down to McPhersen Square, and will probably go back. I've got things going on in my life that make full participation difficult. If I get 5 new people into the 9/11 Truth effort on this forum, I have done something worth while.
Absolutely GREAT post! I know I have been one of those moronic idiotic forum people! And you know, you are right - I am signing off, and doing something more productive.
We are also smart enough to sense sarcasm.
I actually was not being sarcastic this time! I have been an idiot - really.
That's great. I hope you mean it.
i SERIOUSLY do mean it.... I just made a post about how frustrating this forum is due to diverse backgrounds, education, language, acceptable behavior, etc. I can be real smart, or real stupid, sometimes.... HAHAHAA = But have a good day!
XXAnonymouSXX wrote: The people who make up this movement are intelligent enough to see through the lies.END-------
Maybe, but they do not communicate, or delegate anyone to communicate, so this forum IS the defacto voice and ears of Occupy.
Why no strategy to gain the authority to meet demands? Can you realize that using your constitutional rights while failing to stand directly for defense of the constitution weakens your position for protest and moves away from the most lawful action of meeting demands or defending the constitution?
Observe the "ART5" after my username. Are "The people who make up this movement" aware of how much respect they will gain by deciding to unify around something that the millions of American who know nothing of Occupy except what the news tells them. If Occupy had that out front as a method of gaining the authority through a convention to propose amendments to the constitutution, law enforcement is fairly well compelled by law to treat protesters better particuarly if they are citing crimes of congress.
Lessig power point on article V
Lots of facts here about Article V.
Article V conference, Lawrence Lessig at harvard 9/25/11-other attendee video comments
State by state forums for posting efforts to compell states to enforce the constitution. A thread with a poll about preparatory amendments for a convention.
People think that because OWS touts it as such. are on to us. Guess it is time to quit everybody!
OWS is dead the people who created this website have long fled.
We're like cockroaches that have found this pile of shit and well all hang here until all the shit has been consumed.
Where did the OWS programmers flee and moderators at well?
Who care's, it doesn't take much brains to see that there are only a few dozen active users on this board.
So who's getting all pissy?
Everyone will get bored in do time, until them the OWS can try to defend the indefensible, but they never do.
Still if you 'google' "occupy" your led here, and fresh blood will come everyday and they can be educated about "What's really wrong with ameriKKKa"
For those who can't handle the truth, go back to Limbaugh, or some other TV program,
Let's follow the rhetoric.
This is the ows website, but not the real forum. This is the 1%, where pray tell are the 99% hiding? :)
This is what real democracy looks like, here you have all 100% of the US public present and its driving the so called self proclaimed 99% crazy, ... the fact is if you this shitty little forum can't tolerate real wide open opinion, then how in the hell will OWS ever legitimize itself as representing the 99% when in fact its just another elitist group??