Forum Post: Do our votes really count? I think not
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 3:13 a.m. EST by ClayK
from Gilbert, AZ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
All throughout my life I have been told that our votes count... Well when I got older and learned more about how the government works, I have found out a lot of things that surprised me, and I eventually came to the conclusion that our votes really don't count and mean nothing really and this is why:
Way way back when our government was created they did not have the technology we do today, and therefore the created state representatives that would vote on their states population vote. The number of state representatives varied from state to state based on that states population, that was it made it equal for all states.
The representatives would then get together to cast their votes (based on their states votes) to elect the president.
This made sense back then, today this system no longer makes sense as we have the technology to make every single persons vote actually count rather than trusting a group of people we do not know to split the votes amongst themselves based on the percentages of the populous vote.
Then you take into account... lobbyists, this is just a form of bribery. If a lobbyist can go up to a presidential candidate and tell them they can get them 6 or 10 votes from this state or that, then how does this affect their votes now, since they are supposed to be based on OUR votes... a form of bribery.
I believe at one time there was an instance that a states representatives (I believe it was Florida) voted against their states populous vote. If this doesn't present a wake up call then I do not know what will.
Why do you think our votes are called the popularity vote? If government reform is in order then we need to do away with state representatives all together (Which would probably save the states money) and make our votes actually count and get rid of lobbyists all together.
Take a look at the money-out-of-politics Constitutional Amendment poll, and please add your ideas and feedback.