Forum Post: Do not trust the judiciary.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 12:01 a.m. EST by iseeamuse
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Why would Bloomberg do an about face within one week?
First he says we can stay indefinitely.
Now he's trying to "clean us up."
He's either taking orders from "upstairs," has gotten the go ahead to do this from corrupt DA's and Judges (it's happened before, Cash for Kids, in PA?), or both.
Something is very very fishy here in Justice.
world revolution day is in 1 day...they know everything we know they are monitering and even commenting.....know your enemy!...there are robots and there are humans the humans are making a stand and the robots are either too afraid or are aint we just have to stand together in a smarter way
Sure is, but I'm not surprised. No one should be surprised that it's happening this way if you watch the points made here: