Forum Post: Do not reply to the Trolls.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 11:22 p.m. EST by yasminec001
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
That is exactly what they want.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 11:22 p.m. EST by yasminec001
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
That is exactly what they want.
You have to reply to them because they can not be left to promote untruths without being challenged. If you don't, they occupy a false moral high ground and perpetuate the myths that we all fight against. Keep fighting and show the trolls up for the mean, uneducated thieves of goodness they really are!
Are these trolls like the conservatives that try suppres free speech
Of course they are. They don't want free speech unless it comes from idiots like Glenn "crocodile Tears" Beck or catholic Bill "it's ok to molest children" O'Reilly. This movement is so true it was named in 1973! The 99%! Listen and agree.
Sorry I didn't get the point of the video, I dont know who the people are
Have you see one, It is kind of long. It shows exactly how the stock market crash with video of many of the banker and politicians. If you watch it, you will have to share it
It is someone saying that free choice is all very well, but if you belong to the 99% of the population who will never be able to exercise that choice because you don't have the money to do so then it isn't really a choice! sigh. And he said it 38 years ago - this stuff is not new!
Thanks I did finally get it, but you gave me a better understanding
It's amazing how scenarios that true keep cycling back around
Correct, because truth is universal :-) Thanks for taking the time to understand that this stuff is not new - it is long past it's sell by date and should be consigned to the dustbin of history! We deserve better!
Lets just look at something from 1973 and let us all decide where the truth lies? The 99% is a very good slogan because a brilliant man used it 38 years ago!
I finally got it?
groovy! Take it forward and use it!
Hey seriouslly you have to check this out ---you will pass this one around
It start out about the collapse of another country for a few minutes
It's long, open it in another window and listen to it while you post
Wish I had the language skills to do so but I don't :-( It is also 6.30 am here and I am ready to drop lool! Thanks for the link though :-)
So speech is only free if you are not a Troll....very hypocritical.
I am not really sure what you meant by that
I understand your tactic and of course, my brother, you are free to do as you wish. I am sorry for saying it in an authoritarian kind of way, but I want people to also realize that we might be giving fuel and attention to these excuses for humans.
It might serve us to focus our strength and attention on the matters at hand, and not those who want to distract us.
Everyone has their own point of focus but I think the main point of my focus is this - unless something changes radically there will be no future! I have beautiful grandchildren who will inherit slavery if this doesn't achieve anything now - and THEY will be the slaves!
I have a little brother that I'm supporting right now. I know what you mean. Our children are the future.
If we don't change, ground up, and completely revolutionize our very thinking and the ideals that we have built our societies upon, we will all be doomed.
Well said AncientMariner. The trolls just created their own list of trolls. They even had me on it. I'm probably on their target list, because I've successfully called them out over the last three days.
I think my posts over the last week speak for themselves.
Will do! Perhaps I was mistaken when I suggested people should ignore trolls.
But racism pisses me off and I don't want to respond to that.
Come on guys...we're talking about our loved ones suffering, about children starving to death each minute, about people dying because of simple maladies that people with riches can get over with a snap of their finger, we're talking about 14-hour day shifts that people in foreign countries are working for just 75 cents per hour to manufacture a product that will sell for $125 in another country...
We're talking about people who are starving, dying, suffering, who are regular people like you and me but have no one to care for them. We're talking about our rights as humans being regulated, controlled, and closely monitored...
You have got it so right!!!
Thanks. And, unfortunately, that's just skimming the surface.
Hold up the mirror man, hold up the damned mirror; confront them with their wretched ugliness!!
To anyone interested in strengthening the OWS movement I recommend as a complimentary venue for information and focused discussion.
thank you. i have been visiting there recently and will permanently make the move soon.
You're welcome. Without diminishing the value of the OWS forum, I find a refreshing change of pace.
Both forums are important.
Agreed. is good, too.
Thanks, I'll check it out.
Worst is that by replying to them you push their posts up. At this moment a normal forum post falls off the list in about two minutes. That is the lifetime of a well written, well thought and reasoned comment. Ignore trolls and keep the good topics on the top of the list
way too many troll threads at the moment
are we concentrating on meta structure?
sub categories for trolls
Yes. I am moving to another forum. I just wanted to advise people on the best strategy in reference to those who would like to distract us from our goals.
don't be a stranger
good luck and thank you
Everyone on this planet is my family. Good luck to you as well and take care of yourself.
Seems like most threads are made about trolls trolling these days. Which is as good as trolling. Everyone's a troll these days. It's spreading like a disease! Good Lord!
Then pay it no attention, like I advised people to do. There are more important issues.
You should absolutely reply to them by calling them out IMMEDIATELY. The best solution is to expose them, and watch them run for cover.
The only problem I have seen in that is that my focus and direction of attention is then distracted by those things. It gets me furious.
I think the only point of their existence here is to distract us.
Agreed. It's equivalent of trying to hold a coherent conversation in your living room, then you're crazy and uninvited neighbor comes barging in, drunk and obnoxious.
Probably the best thing we can do is ignore them. For now, we need to call them out so everyone can see what trolls are, and how they operate, sometimes very sneak and coordinated. As people's troll detectors get better, we can ignore them far more effectively.
That made me laugh hard lol Great humor.
True. I agree with you. I think that's the best course of action we should take as of now.
Chairman Obamarx is down 7% in approval on Gallup thanks to OWS... please keep crappin' clappin' and yappin' in that NYC park. We Republicans love you!!!
And we love you that you support us, even if you have an alternative agenda. :-)
You will find that we are far more non-partisan than you have been told. The latest polls show that over 70% of OWS people are neither Democrats or Republicans, but Independents. We are the 99%, even if you don't know it yet. The divide and conquer strategy employed by the Mainstream media propaganda is not working. We have more than twice the support in the general public as the Tea Party.
Chairman Obamarx is down 7% in approval on Gallup thanks to OWS... please keep crappin' clappin' and yappin' in that NYC park. We Republicans love you!!!
we don't like Obama either..idiot. Both party sucks!
different party same fucking coin!
I appreciate the troll warning, I just learned about them today
You're very welcome. But, like I failed to mention, you are of course free to do as you wish.
But I like feeding them.
You are free to do as you wish.
I say hug a troll. Make a troll your friend. A troll is really your nemisis. And your best friend.... (I am sure so doucebag troll is gonna tell me to stop eating shit and being such a pussy hippie). :)
I like responding to them in a loving and understanding manner sometimes, just to trip them out. :)
Thats impossible
Trolls are those in the 99% who are still asleep and easily manipulated by the 1%.
They ought to be treated with loving kindness as parents do their children who have yet to mature.
Very mature of you, brother. I agree, though I still think we should directly focus on the matters at hand.
Yet, I have also noticed that the trolling is systematic, and could be a front from those who want to disturb and discredit the movement. A distraction.
Yes, I'm sure the troll issue encompasses a bigger scope than what I mention in my comment above.
I'm sure as well...Our enemy(ies) are unpredictable.
Do these Trolls live under a bridge?
Yes, and they harass you for a toll to cross it.
Sorry. It's so hard to resist. ;)
That's cool. You keep on doing what you want.