Forum Post: DO NOT READ THIS! Look away as the lobbyists chew through their muzzles.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 2:37 p.m. EST by LobbyDemocracy
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
How is it that even though laws have been passed governing the power of lobbyists in Washington, DC in the wake of the Jack Abermoff scandal, the amount of money spent on the process continues to increase? The money shifts around from one direction to another. They find ways to circumvent the restrictions and bring the desires of big business and special interests to our elected leaders. The Supreme Court has sided with big business spending whatever it wants to spend to influence the process, citing their right to free speech. What are we to do? How can we overcome the $3.5 billion dollars that was spent lobbying last year?
I am writing this because I would like to propose a solution to that quandary. Rather than continuing to attempt to muzzle the voices of the lobbyists, why don't we just empower the majority and bring their voice to the table. Although I am aware of the fact that there is something disturbing about the necessity of this process, something must be done to make our elected leaders attend to the people that they are supposed to be representing.
I am founding a lobbying organization dedicated to representing the interests of the majority. The organization is not conservative or liberal. It is not here to represent Democrats or Republicans. It is here to represent the interests of the American people, whatever those interests might be.
We will be polling our membership to determine what issues we will support. Any issue that reaches 65% support or opposition nationally we will take up and bring to the government. We will sift through the data district by district and find every district whose members are aligned with the national polling data. We will contact the elected representatives of all of these districts with the desires of their constituents.
In addition to the polling data guiding the direction of the organization, it will also give us strength in dealing with our elected leaders. We will have solid data supporting the fact that their constituents stand for the issue, and expect them to take action on it. The elected officials will have the opportunity to write back to their constituents via the website. We will open up the communication lines between the majority and their elected representatives and make sure that the representatives understand that if they do not heed the desires of their constituents they will be voted out of office.
If you are interested please check us out at If you like what you see, or have questions please let us know here so that we can rise to the top of the list and be seen by others.