Forum Post: Do not loose sight of what we are doing
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 4:28 p.m. EST by Bernadette
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Why is a movement of the people getting into a political debate pitting Republicans against Democrats? It does not matter who is in the White House or the Congress as long as we are in the most important factor on the minds of our decision makers. We need each other no matter what our individual politics has been. If we start to take sides, we will trivialize our message. Bernadette
This is not about Left vs. Right, it is about a government that does not work for the People! Great topic and something we need to keep in mind because the oligarchs see the People uniting and they are threatened by it. They're trying to divide the People and we can not let that happen. Unity is our biggest strength and the one thing they fear the most. The two party system divides the People and I think it's apparent that division doesn't work for us, so don't let them divide us anymore. We outnumber them, tens-of-thousands to one, and that is powerful. Believe it or not, we have the upper hand as long as we are peacefully united. We won't agree on every issue but we have to stick together and show a united front.
We need to build the movement and guide it FOR the People. We need to make sure the People know the WHOLE TRUTH about the global capitalists and the extent of their hold on federal government. The majority of federal Dems and GOP represent 1% because there is only one party and I call them Uniparty Incorporated. It has been 'Them' working against 'us' for decades and the proof is in the state of every aspect of our lives right now. Corruption is the cause of so many problems and both sides of Uniparty Incorporated have created this mess so I don't count on them to fix anything. However, there are solutions to the many problems we face today and WE can, make that, WE WILL implement the solutions. Banksters get bailouts and a free pass from DC. and the People get foreclosed, warmongers get endless contracts and innocents die, corporations make record profits while the People pay six dollars for a gallon of milk, but there is so much more. 'THEY' have poisoned our air, water, food and land, they have stolen our money and taken our Freedom, they spy on us... they kill needlessly. The killing must stop! The global capitalists MUST be stopped it if we are going to survive.
I know who 'They' are and what 'They' do... I've been blogging about this stuff for the past year and I know so much is hidden by the oligarch's media so many People have no idea how bad it really is (5 corps own MSM). But I know we have had enough and I feel the power WE have just begun to tap in to our power so don't let them unplug it! Take a look around and it's obvious that those in power do not care about 'We the People', or the environment... but we do. They said they can, but they don't so we all need to be saying WE WILL. GOV Incorporated is a global problem and OUR future depends on a united People. We have that and we can not let it slip away... they will stop at nothing to tear us apart so be ever mindful to show a united and peaceful front.
I do not think the People are making this a debate on the issues as much as the kleptocrats are using their media to divide us on the issues. They have done that for decades and of course they will do anything to stop this movement. They'll insert their people to steer the movement and they are already trying to hijack OWS as some type of progressive movement. Expect that and deny any speak that does not represent us ALL (infiltrates are always part of a closing society so watch out for provocateurs also).
'Unified Demand Occupation FOR the People, BY the People'
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