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Forum Post: Do Not Let the News Media dictate our Movement. "Demands" can wait.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 13, 2011, 1:47 p.m. EST by realdeal (13)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

People do not let the media calls for a clear “demand” get you worried. Let them wait, DO NOT BE RUSHED. please read

The time for demands is not yet here, this is still the time to gather people, gather support, make an uproar. If you want a calling "Things are going to Change" is it, or “It’s time” hoot and howler that. Don’t let the media pigeon hole us into “Demands” there are other things besides demands.

Demands Why? So what they can pick them apart and make them look bad? So they have a end to their story? Right now they can't finish their stories they have to keep coming back, they have to keep asking questions.

Don't give it to them yet. This is still phase 1 "gather support" let people know what's about to happen.

Be happy people to KNOW things are going to happen, things are going to change, it’s time. What you think everyone is just going to give up? Pack up and go home? No, so don’t worry so much people.

Right now we need to show the world that we are here to stay and we are not going anywhere. By the time we are done things are going to be different. Leave the media to keep wanting to know, don't let the media have their story and try to push this under the table. Don't play their game. This is OUR show. When WE are ready to give demands or whatever decide we will.

So How do we “show” that We aren't going anywhere is setup the occupy camps with solar power, and atmospheric water generators these troopers need some power to keep them going out there. When people see that, believe me they will start to think different about the movement. We need borrow, donate, loan, but use solar to say look we are not going anywhere and we don't need you filthy power. (I know where to get solar panels direct from china 3x to 5x cheaper than USA.) http://droughtmasters.net/

Right now many people don't even know about occupy movement. Guys we don't need the news media. We can beat them at their own game. Anybody can make a TV commercial and have it run for as little as $100 at http://www.google.com/ads/tv/ or http://advertising.microsoft.com/tv, People can make their own occupy TV AD's or pool the Money, and run them. WE can advertise on mobile phone for as little as .20 cents for to reach 1000 people.

Don't worry about the media they will be there, they are gullible and predictable, nothing a few world record attempts won't fix in the near future. Example people in 360 cities all singing same song to break world record. we could break a lot of records for News network publicity. even if main news won't pick up stories. local news will pick up 360 cities attempting world records. plus we have free concerts by celebrities, marches etc......



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[-] 1 points by realdeal (13) 13 years ago

dont fall prey to the media

[-] 1 points by realdeal (13) 13 years ago

March on the White House? That's big boys boxing ring, not ready yet. need more support from the common man.

[-] 1 points by shadaxgale (230) from Oswego, NY 13 years ago
[-] 1 points by realdeal (13) 13 years ago

Thing about the 3 demands is it is so random, what demands and to who? To me the banks are the 1st choice everyone has been screwed by the banks. Rich, Poor, they are the greediest of all, and must be put back in their places. 3 demands is to many one easy demand something that will work, keep momentum going,give us time to gain more support for the real important stuff, when we achieve a easy goal it will make it easy to achieve the harder one. Going for the gusto on the first try seems foolish.

[-] 1 points by Bizinuez (120) from Raleigh, NC 13 years ago

Agree. We all know what's wrong. Anyone who pretends not to is being deliberately obtuse in an attempt to marginalize us. Again.

[-] 1 points by atki4564 (1259) from Lake Placid, FL 13 years ago

What we most immediately need is a comprehensive strategy, and related candidate, that implements all our demands at the same time, and although I'm all in favor of taking down today's ineffective and inefficient Top 10% Management System of Business & Government, there's only one way to do it – by fighting bankers as bankers ourselves at $500 apiece. Consequently, I have posted a 1-page Summary of the Strategic Legal Policies, Organizational Operating Structures, and Tactical Investment Procedures necessary to do this at:




if you want to be 1 of 100,000 people needed to support a Presidential Candidate – such as myself or another you'd like to draft – at AmericansElect.org in support of the above bank-focused platform.

[-] 1 points by Indy4Change (254) from Columbia, SC 13 years ago

It's a double-edged sword. With demands, the group gets "pigeon-holed", but how can the movement gain legitimate ground and traction for support from anyone who might be on the fence without providing substance to the movement?

Right now, as demands are revealed, it is appearing to become a have versus have not movement, a D versus R movement, a movement that is leaning left on the political spectrum (which is itself a turnoff to many who are on the fence). Is that motive to hide the demands for now? Because like it or not - that's the appearance of it.

I don't know what the right answer here is. What I do know is that I am on the fence because there is no real substance to this movement and without knowing specific goals with specific plans, I just don't see it yet as anything I can put my full support behind. There are many others I know and have talked to who feel the same way. Additionally, I have talked to many others who are losing that fire in their bellies because they are becoming disenchanted with a) the attempts by leftist politicians and organizations at co-opting the movement to serve their own agendas and b) the lack of any clear direction.

BTW - the clear direction I mean is not simply repeating statements like "stop corporate welfare". What I mean is what are you going to do to stop corporate welfare? How do you intend to achieve results?

[-] 1 points by frustratedinky (3) 13 years ago

At first, I too felt this way-- how can I fully support this group who is not putting forth obvious demands? But, that is the absolute beauty of it-- what this movement is calling for is a discussion-- no one claims to have all the answers. There is no true leader to this organization-- just a collective base of incredibly diverse people who are equally frustrated at a variety of economic and social issues that no one has addressed yet. Despite the many references to Obama, this group has stated they do not affiliate themselves with any party but that keeps getting overlooked. To me, this isn't political. This group is the best example of democracy I've seen in quite a while. And, I can support that because there are no demands set in stone-- just real people working toward awareness of real problems. Thank you all!

[-] 1 points by realdeal (13) 13 years ago

very true, I'm not saying hold out forever maybe a 2 weeks to a month. lets not rush this. If people really need to know what we are doing I would like to say have a look at the The Square Deal and President Theodore Roosevelt's plan. That's who and what we really need to look at for some guidance, and maybe a calling, a mascot, a figurehead. hmmmm sometimes I surprise myself I think that's a great idea. Theodore Roosevelt the man with the plan. and for the record the banks should be first target.

[-] 1 points by Indy4Change (254) from Columbia, SC 13 years ago

Well, that's why I keep watching and waiting. If the direction the movement selects is right for me, then it won't need me to get rolling in that direction and I'll be more than happy to jump on board - and if it starts moving in a direction I don't agree with, then there is no harm and I don't feel like I wasted time observing. I'm every bit as interested in solutions as everyone else here.

[-] 1 points by joannemcollier (1) from New York, NY 13 years ago

The above is a very long comment covering a lot of ground. My comment is about the first sentence. Yes, it is very important not to be forced into a rigid framework of demands. This would only shrink the movement. I speak from experience in the peace movement. We need to be open to the ideas of each participant and respectful of differences. The peace movement was destroyed from within by partisan hardline differences.

[-] 1 points by AdaMadMan (5) from Ada, OK 13 years ago

Amen, realdeal. I believe we just need to keep showing support to the cause. The banking titans will hear the people's voice, brother. More and more people need to show support and we will stop the global tyranny from consuming our lives. Viva la revolucion!!

[-] 1 points by AdaMadMan (5) from Ada, OK 13 years ago

Amen, realdeal. I believe we just need to keep showing support to the cause. The banking titans will hear the people's voice, brother. More and more people need to show support and we will stop the global tyranny from consuming our lives. Viva la revolucion!!