Forum Post: do not comment on troll post. let them die off. do not get angry. darwin rules
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 1:52 a.m. EST by RichardGates
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
as stated
The trolls are self-sustaining at this point. Just went through a 100+ commented post that was created and almost entirely populated by trolls.
Then let them talk to themselves
@an0n Hahahaha! That is absolutely HILARIOUS!
Darwin does rule, which is what makes the 1% the 1%.
b u m p !
ok ok
p m u b
Amazing... I was thinking of doing the same to you 1%er's night job day job(web development)
i cooked fish and shrimp all night at floyds shrimp house next to the swamp on okaloosa island florida. i wish i was a 1%er lmao.