Forum Post: Do not be saddened, be outraged!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 16, 2011, 1:24 p.m. EST by occupyphillylove
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I myself am from Occupy Philadelphia and when I recueved the urgent text from OWS I was in shock. Shock that it was happening, how it happening and how the people we're cornered. I spend the whole night watching on livestream. When I awoke the next day I felt sad, depressed and overall pissed off. But as I attended GA at Occupy Philadelphia I found my Passion again. I went from, saddened to Outraged. Outraged the event itself, the use of military action on peacefully protesters and the distruction of a selfsustating village that offer free services. From food, to education, to medical care. The destruction of an innocent, honest, and determined village.
Now is the time, the time for outrage, on how we are governed, on how we are treated as a general population, and on how we are not succeeding in the 21st century. But Not just the protester, the people. Citizens and non a like be outraged. We must find out energy again, organize and protect our right as human beings.
We are not a industrial nation anymore, its time to take our society to the next sociological stage. We can not stall anymore, we cannot let our ruling class stall evolution. We are now a global society, we must take our race to the next level as one. Do not let any "ism" divide us. It is WE THE PEOPLE.