Forum Post: dnc...terra!!!!!!!
Posted 9 years ago on Dec. 19, 2015, 9:11 p.m. EST by elf3
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Yes block your ears in horror the entire debate is about fear, terra, guns, and a police state ...reigning in freedom in favor of an authoritative law enforcement type government " in cooperation with the telecom industry " says Clinton..."tech and government must conjoin to form an alliance against terror."(and constitutional rights and privacy)
What risk is there of death from terror attack say vs faulty gm ignition switches or cancer from chemicals in cleaners or cigarettes? Just curious to know that statistic. Also stay off the topic of war cuz you sound confused as hell on the whole subject. Republicans win with us them easy ...bomb....not chaotic debates discussing the nuances of war and peace. Americans don't read that book...they watch football and eat cheese fries while debating the Kardashian family ie ...americans are stupid keep it simple and dumb it down.
124 die from ignition switch failures...think on that next time you buckle your child in that car seat. They knew they put babies and families at risk...they covered it up and thought your kids seemed an acceptable risk to hedge their profits on.
1300 people a day die from cigarettes...
Still that is a personal choice issue to smoke or not to smoke - but that does not excuse tobacco from lying about cigarettes as not being harmful to your health.
Secondhand smoke kills more than 40,000 people in the U.S. each year.
Hmmmmmmmm . . . . cigarette smoke or coal? Car exhaust?
Point is it isn't about our safety really is all about the profits ...terra is handy for war profiteering ...cigarette and ignition deaths are inconvenient for big tobacco...and gm
They spin what serves them...manipulation.
Yep - then - even when they are caught in their lies - very rare to see them punished and rarer to see a meaningful punishment (nothing that ever hurts the profits that they made or heaven forbid go into their equity in any way.
Failures going back over a decade and hidden.
I'm sure this number is much higher...those long dead and buried didn't have the benefit of proving their case nor do their families as the evidence was melted in some scrapyard so many years ago...along with the collateral accidents of those hit by those cars and killed too.
True - the accidents due to failed ignition switches could be Much higher. Still think those involved in the over decade long cover-up should get jail time for reckless endangerment as well as something like at least manslaughter through depraved indifference.
Yep - it is all about the terror and we need more invasion of privacy as well as more guns blah blah blah blah blah protect the establishment crap and bury the economic issues of the dying middle class and the fast growing population of the poor and lets talk about military actions and police actions and not about investing in peacful programs such as rebuilding the american infrastructure to be clean and divested from fossil fuel and create living wage paying jobs in the up-grade of america - no - its got to be all about dropping bombs and getting others to do the same as well as ramp up their military and buy more arms from the MIC - can't have talk about removing strife from poor countries that are the hatching grounds of terrorists by implementing clean energy technology there to support a healthy and prosperous society - NO.....................
Almost 7000 dead soldiers over 1 million wounded....perhaps as many as 2 million casualties middle eastern these facts lay before us in the face of such astounding wealth (6 trillion spent by taxpayers raked in by corporations and owed with interest to the federal bank)...will we gloss over the in your face greed and reality of where we are today?
Or let's shake it all loose...the truth is we stand next to our leaders when they make these decisions and we endorse, keep status quo, or make little waves to change it, the truth is we may have earned some rightful hate...and until we own up to our role and responsibility in all of this tragedy as a people who are supposed to run our own government ...then we can not stand proudly as the innocent victims when in fact we play a role and will reap what we sow. What mark will we leave on this world for our children? One of peace and beauty or or one colored by the actions of war lords and greed mongers. Perhaps we as a people can look in the mirror and see ourselves as we truly are (the great responsibility we share in keeping our republic free and good and without tyranny that raises to power those without conscience)...only then may we expect other nations and people to do the same....this is the beginning of peace .
The People have got to understand - that - when we have innocent civilians killed it is a crime that causes arms sales to go up (domestic civilian purchases as well as sales to foreign countries) and enlistment into the military to go up in response. Understanding "that" The People need to understand "that" when we kill innocent civilians overseas - THE EXACT SAME THING HAPPENS OVER THERE IN RESPONSE TO OUR TERRORISM.
Understanding - THAT - The People need to grow up and seriously work to end all military confrontations - and push for waging peace health and prosperity for all - here at home and around the world.
Right we expect muslims to oust their radicals and accept some responsibility for policing their actions...while we as americans elect leaders we do not hold to account, do not oust from power and enable radical corporations to exert control and power over humanity whether it is just or not...this is hypocritical
Your point discussed on PBS - How do we reconcile today’s divergent voices of Islam?
Coincidentally - Daily Kos Recommended Mika Brzezinski to Rick Santorum: 'Why aren't you working on white men with guns'
[ EDIT ] I think many are sick near unto death of the USA's "Do As I Say Not As I Do" - I know I am.
EDIT: tweet
Drone war = crimes against humanity = innocent civilian deaths
DKAtoday added, Occupy Wall Street @OccupyWallStNYC In case you don’t know what an “air coalition” is, she means drones, lots of drones. … #YourVoiceYourVote #demdebate 16 retweets 19 likes
Corporations scare me more than Isis....let's put their power to kill on a graph side by side...isis is a mite on an ant's ass in comparison. They will do anything for money...anything we think we are safe as Americans until we are sitting on something or in the way of something they want. Our government negotiates with corpirate terror every day. We saw that when we bailed out the banks.
Greed is still the #1 cause of Disease Death & Destruction in the history of the world. In this day and age Corp(se)oRATions are the driving factors of Greed.
Yes they took over where churches left off....i think originally the separation between church and state came because the church was holding so much wealth they were using it to unduly influence our government...the same as corpirations do today. There must now be a separation of corporation and state. If corporations are persons then we are sitting in the back of the bus separated by laws and without equal powers. At least the churches commissioned lasting works of art ...corporations create garbage and prevent anything lasting.
And one politician is stating it as it is = Bernie!
Lets hope he gets more national exposure than anyone could expect through social media. But we need more people removed from office and others like Bernie and Elizabeth put in their place.
We need to sink the corporate propaganda machine. They are operating as facists now...even influencing children ...there is a corporate doctrine. It has infected our citizens already. How do we undo what has been instilled? Undo what has become our culture and adopted as our national identity? I can't think that even Bernie holds that ability...this is going to take a hardcore regrouping effort of this movement to come at corpirations hard. We must become relentless. We must be heard above the roar of the corpirate machine. Our efforts must stay pinpointed on corporate power and corruption. We can get heard when we unionize the service sector and show citizens are in charge of this nation...we make the the people we do have power. Those people who think we can't make any difference who have been brainwashed and subdued by corpirate power let's rock the boat and give them a new normal.
Speaking of what to do to sink corpoRATe propaganda - and my suggestion that we use social media relentlessly. Occupy New York put this out today:
UPDATE – We did it! The DNC backed down. View this email in your browser
UPDATE: We did it! Thanks to the pressure of our 500,000 progressive activists and petition-signers, the DNC backed down before yesterday's #DemDebate and restored Bernie's access to the voter file. Now it's time to step up our pressure and oust DNC Chairwoman (and former Hillary campaign co-chair?!) Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. Please read and share this article about why she must go. And keep fighting!
Friends –
You know we don't usually meddle in electoral politics as a non-partisan movement, but we have to call BS when we see it:
The Democratic National Committee (DNC) is playing dirty with Bernie because they want to see Hillary and her Wall Street backers coronated this election season without any competition.
This morning, the DNC took the unprecedented move of cutting off access to the NGP-VAN voter file to the Bernie Sanders campaign, claiming a low-level Sanders staff member took advantage of the DNC's faulty firewall system dysfunction to "steal" Clinton election data. That's an overreaction at best and a tilt-the-playing-field stab-in-the-back undermining move at worst, and so we need you to take action: Sign this petition calling on Debbie Wasserman-Schultz to give the voter file back to Bernie!
And then share your action with your networks by clicking below:
Keep fighting,
The OccupyWallSt.NYC Team
You are receiving this email because you opted in to receive updates from Occupy Wall Street.
Our mailing address is: Occupy Wall Street Zuccotti Park New York, NY 10006
BTW - Tweet =
DNC @DNC #DemDebate Why DWS needs to go: Violated DNC Rules & Stacked the Deck in Favor of HRC … Pls Re-tweet ->
All we can do is what we have been doing = advocate - educate - protest and use social media relentlessly to bypass the corp(se)oRATe media.
The action must take place by the people waking up and making good use of their voting power as well as protest/boycott power.
"We" being the government and all corporations that profit from war = You Damn Betcha glossing over the facts is a full time (overtime) non-stop huge money invested intensive effort.
For instance.
Terrorists kill innocent civilians. We (gov mic corporations media) call that criminal. While at the same time when we (gov mic) kill innocent civilians it is called an unfortunate cost of war - collateral damage - an oops.
And so - you know and I know and they (gov mic corporations media) know - that - violence perpetuates violence - but hell it's profitable as all hell for the very few - so - our protests are to the best of their (gov mic corporations media) abilities are put down, discredited, called disloyal, unpatriotic, are minimized, are re-categorized, ignored, purposely misinterpreted - all to keep that incredible wealth from killing to continue and to expand.
Yes you know what breeds hate...being poor and destitute while watching Americans in all their glorious and fat ass stupidity...lapping up stupid tv and football and a shit commercial culture that values the worst possible things over human really creates a shitload of hostility and resentment. Maybe stop pillaging resources from poorer nations or creating slave labor out of " lesser" peoples. Maybe stop tilting outcomes to enable evil dictators to take power and oppress people.
Shit . . . . were both probably on a corp(se)oRAT . . . . scuse . . . I mean government watch list now.
From the day we posted here...and fbi investigated Occupy ...glad I'm not on the opposing side anyway proud to be an Occupant
Me too! Occupy has made a huge change to public awareness and increased involvement in seeking positive change.
What the fuck...keep it about the economy ....stupid many anti gun soundbites did you rifle off when 77 percent of americans are for their constitutional right to bare arms....esp in the face of our new corporate authoritative government...joining forces to invade our privacy and war on as they funnel wealth on a superhighway to the upper halves?
Blah blah blah ...oh yes sure we need to get incomes up same old same old pay lip service to the "servant class" dahty dah while you pocket the dark money of the super elite...thanks the bye small businesses are rich tax shelters cuz only they can compete for land rental space with macdonalds and bankruptcy barn
Go burnie tho.
Yep = GO BERNIE !!!! gotta drop that "over several years stuff" - about raising the minimum wage though.
Lip service - yep that is HRC alright = establishment only saying what she figures she has to say (because of Bernie's pro population/people stance) to get elected.
Giving " small" rich business tax shelters more loopholes to hide their rental income and hedgefund profits...yeahhh I've read Rich Dad Poor should anyone thinking that small businesses aren't rich people diversifying their tax shelters and maximizing loopholes hiding incomes.
Just because a business may be small - that - does not mean that it is not extremely wealthy/successful and still paying it's bulk employees starvation wages.
The amount of money being brought in by a business and where that money goes - is - what should be looked at and properly regulated.
Exactly! Capital gains reinvestment tax credits and small business aka porsche suv write off as a "company" vehicle, realty trusts, and limited liability shelters. These aren't the foundation of america...they are former or current ceo's getting an advantage as usual putting their money in capital gains shelters free from uncle sam....while also cashing in on section 8 programs charging market rate rents to the taxpayers and inflating rents and mortgages for the middle class wripping every possible home into several units bidding against young families for properties claiming success while their wealth was stolen by unfair monopolistic and tax advantages gained in the corporations they worked for and bribed and lobbied for using slave labor to create cheaper lesser products and services.
Makes perfect sense - so - unless we get more people like Bernie and Elizabeth into office to make it happen - it won't.
Or we mass unionize every retail and fast food worker now!!!! We need to empower our citizens...they need time and a break first...then revolution! Why wait for the politicians? It will drive up all wages ...would I remain a secretary if I could make more in retail with full health and dental? Probably not so it would force all employers to rise to compete.
Right, elf. Bottom line is it comes down to power. Who has the power. The employers/corporations have the power against the individual worker as things stand now. A turning point in my own personal political life was when I learned as an undergrad in a labor economics class that 5% unemployment is considered full employment in Keynesian economics. I was shocked by that and it was a trigger for my future politics because I think that is a sleazy number to base your economy on.
Why? Because by having the desired "Reserve Army of Labor" (which is what they call it in economics) what do you have? You have a worker that is vulnerable, that will work for lower wages. If we had true full employment workers would be much more powerful, wages would be higher, benefits would exist such as time off, disability, health insurance, life insurance (things we used to have). It's all rigged in favor of the capitalists and they've chipped away at workers' rights over time, in large part due to the fact that they can always remind the worker that he's "lucky" to have a job. That is why I think capitalism either needs a ton more bells and whistles or it has to go.
Yes work has changed...every day there is the threat of instability and a coaxing of more more more...nothing is ever quite good enough. One can push and push and they will take every bit of you expecting full out sprinting on that thankless treadmill offering nothing but another day on the treadmill as a reward. In the end they will work us to will slowly begin to resemble labor camps. We must fight the decline in standards. We must push back. We must never allow the new normal to slide into slavery or something which heavily resembles it...we can look to Foxcon and Apple and see the standards they are willing to slide to...suicide nets and mass employee suicides from such horrific standards and labor practices. Corporations have demonstrated where they want to take us...are we gonna follow?
Workers' rights need to make a come back, and soon. We need to end "employment at will." We need to enforce the Fair Labor Standards Act, something that has been completely unenforced, benefiting corporations. Wages must rise. We must institute mandatory time off for illness, disability, parental leave and vacation. And, obviously we need universal healthcare and retirement. This is about the quality of our lives. People cannot function under the constant stress and anxiety that economic vulnerability puts them in.
Equality needs total acceptance = civilization needs to recognize at the very least - that the least among-st us deserves a LIVING wage.
Unionizing the work force would be a gr8 thing - the shrinking of the unions has allowed the loss of workers rights and loss of worker pay as well as loss of jobs to proliferate. I would also love to see a growth in boycotting of anti-worker business's as well as anti-environment business's.
Probably would see less people shelling out for college too...hey college grads aren't making great shakes in pay either so deep in debt to make 15 bucks or start making more in retail? Thus i believe college costs and student interest rates would lower also as a result of mass servant sector unionization.
Ditto on the outing of bad practices!
The higher education system would benefit by a cap on some individuals earnings - the cost of education skyrocketing can be traced back to how the money is spent = how much on actual education and how much on someones take home benefits. Would also be nice to see the multi-billions of dollars made by college sports go into supporting the education system rather than the coaches and other PTB in the college sport industry.
I would argue it is when government began chipping in to pay...the rich love taxpayer money do is a middleman and it really isn't about education it is now about the piece of paper. College is a business, housing is a business, food is a business. This is one area we could learn from libertarians. People should not have to finance their lives from banks. The cost should be lower and incomes high enough to afford ...this is one area where libertarians could learn from us...unions create a healthy balance.
Unions "can" create a healthy balance - but just like in government - only when the people actually have a say in what goes on.
Correct = People should not have to finance their lives from banks. That is debt slavery. Finance should only be for huge purchases like a Home or a Car - and - even cars used to be able to be bought on a persons savings.
Public education should not be treated or allowed to operate as a business - the only profit from public education to society (living wages to all teachers as always = a must. Should be no different than any employment) should be capable graduates to grow and run our civilization.
Keep it about wall street? Ok hope is lost
16 retweets for 4,314 views
Drone war = crimes against humanity = innocent civilian deaths
DNC terra is right. It was a corp(se)oRATe media love fest for HRC - they (the corp(se)oRATe talking heads) proclaiming another victory for HRC - BUT - just like the previous debates - social media polls had Bernie winning - one I saw was Bernie by 76%.
How anyone supports this bullshit is beyond me..