Forum Post: Divide & Conquer
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 12:26 a.m. EST by RevolutionaryTruth
from Houston, TX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The government loves the fact that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, because that keeps us divided and "powerless". Since they are in control they use things like racism, sexism, anti-semitism, and other propaganda to sway the way we think which keeps us divided. Now that we are standing up to the wealthy and demand justice they now realize that the people they were able to keep divided while gaining the money and the power are now coming together to fight back!!! They are scared shitless of this Movement!!!
The problem isn't government (democracy), no matter how corrupted it is by corportate gree. The problem is corprotate greed.
The problem is that the entire country has been asleep at the wheel, and is now all of sudden saying "Holy shit, we are going off a cliff!"
"Sway the way we think" ? Has not technology, which we have blindly embraced, done more to change each fabric of our daily movement more than any "rich person"? You probably can't even remember, or better yet, recall the sensation of manually rolling down a window in a car, getting up to physically change the TV station, or making a collect phone call. You can tweet, tmblr, Facebook, iPad, iPhone, and xbox in your basement.......funny how (my own opinion) the OWS feeds these trivial apparatus with great pleasure shelling out $$$$$ for each upgrade and employing their seamless integration in the sharing of a global experience never recognizing the irony. Just like h.d. Thoreau in Walden...his utopian experience was fostered by more than one or two trips to the emerson household for much for tending to the bean field. (and before you do your best to contend me on this point, you best be truly versed on e. won't help you here in the passive research/knowledge you have grown up with). And one kind request, message me direct as I cannot open any replies in the forum, as many others are having trouble as well. Thanks.
blah, blah, blah . . .technology . . . blah blah blah, employment . . .blah, blah, blah . . .
Well spoken. Please, allow my to cover the burden on the loan for the GED you never finished.