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Forum Post: disrupt the bank's control

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 18, 2011, 8:24 a.m. EST by bohica (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The banks think they control all our money but everyone has the power to challenge that - take your money away from them! Hey, they're not giving you anything back... interest rates are lower than the 'so-called' value of money. Points to consider...

  1. I just created a company in Switzerland (I live there) - to do that, the gov requires the founder to open a bank account and deposit CHF20,000. For the pleasure of receiving your hard-earned money (they don't actually DO anything to justify the charges), the bank charges you 5% or a min of CHF150 - since they're in collusion with the gov, you have no choice in this.

  2. If the bank goes 'bankrupt', effectively, your debts remain but the money you have given them disappears. Yes, there are some 'limited' safeguards but, once you've deposited your money with a bank, you no longer own it, just the promise that they'll try to give it back when you want it - which in the case of a large run on the bank, won't happen and if the number of banks failing dominoes, the gov guarantee may not be honoured either.

  3. the bank (and their partners in crime, the government) play the game with your money - remove it from their grasp. Then you'll get their attention, get cheaper account charges, customer-focused services and, you'll stop/influence the bonuses.

Apart from being screwed by the gov/bank company scam, my money's out of the bank's grasping hands already - it's better off under the mattress



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[-] 1 points by mikee123 (2) 13 years ago

silver and heritage seeds

[-] 1 points by FelixDaCatz (3) 13 years ago

Thank you for posting this post. The article is moving in the right direction but is not quite covering the real problem with the banking system. Thomas Jefferson warned us what would happen if the central bank was ever allowed to operate in our country. Andrew Jackson fought to get rid of the central bank after 20 years of operation in the country. Finally in the early 1900's the Federal Reserve came into power. Amazingly at the same exact time so did the income tax. What people do not realize is that the income tax was created to pay the interest on the money that the central bank was printing.

Please take 30 minutes and watch this video. It is the most important video you will ever watch in your life time. This is why the progressive left and the libertarian right need to band together and take this country back. This is our last chance. Ron Lawl is your only option for salvation. The progressive left will get many things they want and the same for the conservative right. Keep in mind that states rights give us all the ability to move to another state if we do not like the current laws in the state in which we reside. Giving the federal government too much power only creates a country that is forced to live with the laws that are pushed down from a consolidation of power. Consolidation of power is never a good idea and was purposely denied in our countries founding.

Just watch the video and prepare to take these guys down. It will quickly solve your problem with Wall Street and will be getting this country back on track. After that we can worry about our old left vs right fights.


[-] 1 points by Dzehenuti (15) 13 years ago

True, They are Pharisees

[-] 1 points by Solver993 (8) 13 years ago

“For any public company, only real person shareholders, selected by a pure lottery of shares owned, may nominate directors.” Control is returned to the people, not Wall Street nor Congress.

Today, CEO's nominate cronies as directors who give out out-sized salaries, bonuses and take risks with our money. If two candidates were nominated by real people for each director slot there would be board quality, caution with our own money and much less need for government oversight and influence. An achievable articulated OWS Goal?