Forum Post: Disbar & Unemploy a Politician Today!!!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 21, 2011, 9:34 a.m. EST by stasit
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Because all politicians are lawyers and registered with the American Bar Assosiation, the politicians/lawmakers from the local, state, and federal levels can have grievances filed against them which ultimately lead to dissbarment and their unemployment.
Therefore, Unfortunately, the majority of lawmakers are Attorneys. Where are the morals and ethics? It appears to me lawmakers at every level are condemning the Declaration of Independence for which our forefathers shed much blood. Are there no rules of professional conduct and ethics to uphold for attornies? Yes, there are State Grievance Panels to discipline Attorneys that do not uphold theses standards of conduct!!! It is ultimately cause for disbarment and their joining the unemployed party!!!
File a grievance Today!!!