Forum Post: Did you know the money the banks loan out isnt even real in the first place?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 1:28 p.m. EST by iwantmygoldback1933
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The banks loan out money which doesn't exist in the first place. This scheme has been going on since 1971 when we got off the gold standard and started printing money just because the banks understood the profit behind this. Since the banks get unlimited money from Bernanke, Greenspan, Volker, Miller, all they do is collect the interest from we the people and until we pay off what we owe, they own us. The scheme it self is brilliant. I finally understand why they've been laughing their asses off this whole time.
Things we MUST do.
Audit the fed end fraction reserve banking,(end lobbying,end crony capitalism) abolish our central bank( end the fed)
Only once we get rid of the federal reserve will we the people be free. Until then we ARE slaves to these central bankers. But only one problem... All these central bankers have infiltrated Washington and all our political system. Our most popular at the moment, Timothy Geithner, who used to be the President of the Ny Fed Bank and now the United States Treasurer. How we let these bankers take over our gov't? I dont know but its been happening for a LONG time but I must stress this. These bankers are not working for our interest!! They need to leave !
I really hope I am shedding some light on this topic but this is whats killing us all. Learn alittle bit more regarding our Federal Reserve and what its doing to us. This is a pretty good explanation to what happened. It explains it pretty thoroughly. But pleas wake up people. Do not believe what the media has to tell you because they are only in the business of making money. They dont care for nothing else. Learn information by your self. Self education is the best tool. I will leave you with a picture summing up exactly how they work. Tell me what you think.
Let’s compare the times! We are self independent slaves paying for our own needs to survive; food and housing etc. Previous slaves had easy; free food, free housing and free health care. Times are changing.
fractional reserve "banking" is everywhere.
as a business owner, i have such items called trade payables, and such items called trade receivables. they are convenient, they help businesses continue running while minimizing such annoying administrative duties called cash collections and payments, and they ensure that i can push forward my cash cycle to such a time when my goods are eventually sold.
these are also akin to borrowing and lending.
i am a fractional reserve lender.
Thats you as an individual, major banks doing this has to stop.