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Forum Post: Did You Ever Wonder Why?

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 2:16 a.m. EST by NortonSound (176)
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Did you ever wonder why it’s so important for the Tea Party to make Obama a one term president? By Norton Sound, Oct. 2011

Did you ever wonder why it’s so important For The Tea Party to make Obama a one term president? See with Obama gone and your community in recession a corporate puppet in the white house can declare your town unsafe unclean un-livable, with too few police and health services to function. As corporate commander in chief he will put a freeze on all wages, jobs and property. Unable to sell your home with no one buying, you can’t move out and working for slave wages you are forced to stay. A low cost labor zone will be imposed so you can earn just a crust of bread per day. And if you or your neighbors complain, then the corporate president declares martial law on your town as a socialist terrorist threat. Let that be an example to the rest. Did you ever wonder why it’s so important for The Tea Party to oppose affordable health care? See to ease your pain when you are as vulnerable as a babe, The 1% super rich corporatists behind The Tea Party know you would sign any contract for such care. They know that to get back your health you’ll fast give up your fair share. It’s in-human-nature, and they know the law of the jungle applies. The sick and the poor make dependable slaves, bullwhips and chains replaced with spoiled food and antiseptic, when you can get it. So let the Tea Party make Obama a one term president. And you may find yourself a whole new resident. Here opportunity is reserved for The Tea Party faithful. And no matter how bitter and unsweet the tea becomes, it will always leave you begging for more.



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