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Forum Post: Did mayors violate RICO laws to abridge free speech??

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 23, 2011, 8:04 p.m. EST by DaveK17 (0)
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Hi All -- Hope you are preparing to have a good holiday, and spend it with someone you care about and enjoy. I was reading today's Michael Moore piece http://www.michaelmoore.com/words/mike-friends-blog/where-does-occupy-wall-street-go-here about the 10 demands of the Occupy Movement, and something caught my attention, which I had known about but had not thought of in quite this way. He mentioned in his piece, the following:

"Mayor Quan of Oakland and others have admitted that the mayors have been in consultation nationwide about how to respond, so the brutality is national policy, not merely a few bad cops. It seems like University presidents have been consulting as well."

Now, I know that of course, these people have the right to consult with each other in official capacity anytime they choose. What hit me though is that THIS particular consult may have been with the express purpose to violate and/or subvert the 1st Amendment, a very federal law, and I assume then, a very federal offense. We'd have to get transcripts, tapes etc. to know for sure.

But the final piece is: if they DID CONSPIRE TOGETHER to willingly violate the 1st Amendment, are they not eligible for prosecution under RICO statutes? I'm sure that the FBI would be all over corrupt mayors on other issues (drugs, contracts, etc.), whether they were engaged in their "official capacity" at the time or not. So -- why not THIS conspiracy? And better, it's not even the OUTCOMES of their conspiring that matters, merely the fact THAT they were conspiring to commit a crime, namely the denial of civil rights and liberties. And -- this is where I need some legal opinions.

Just thinking aloud here. Sure would go a long way to beat back the fascists. Time for democracy to push BACK.
Feel free to pass this to someone more knowledgeable about these things -- like, lawyers.

Stay well, be happy, happy Thanksgiving. --Dave--



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