Forum Post: Did it ever occur to anyone that big business is in league with the republicans to prevent there from being an economic recovery till they get romney in office?
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 7, 2012, 10:13 p.m. EST by fightclub2012
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just like i just said. did it ever occur to anyone that big business is in league with the republicans to prevent there from being an economic recovery till they get romney in office?
Absolutely true. They have done nothing to create jobs because they do not want to create jobs. They think if the unemployment rate is high they can beat Obama. Moral bankruptcy. And, the pledge they made to Grover Norquist is more important to them than the American people.
what i am saying is, is big business colluding with the republicans to get romney in the white house to get their tax holiday so they can bring in all that offshore wealth free of charge.
I may be wrong, but I think they could get that done even with Obama in office. My personal opinion, from what I've seen from republicans, is that the Morman thing will keep romney out of office. And I think big business knows that.
Of course. Who do you think Grover Norquist is? He has an interest in the Keystone Pipeline. Offshore wealth is part of the plan, too.
well i think we need to do a sort of a direct democracy with a technocratic meritocracy for our political system but more than that we need a total revolution in the way of thinking and our way of life. this requires a brand new holistic syncretic belief system and and infrastructure and a new completely holistic way of living from the way we design new cities form the ground up to the way we live our lives inside our homes and our homes themselves. this website has some great ideas and this video is great and of course any of the zeitgeist films.
Okay. Thanks for explaining. I don't watch a lot of Batman and will admit I don't know what the message was in that clip. (I'm sure I'm older than you.)
This is the definition I found for technocratic meritocracy:
Technocratic-Meritocratic: argues only for compatibility of functions of education; this view is based on a conception of the economy as a technical system where work performance is based on technical competence; inequality of income, power, and status are, consequently, seen as a reflection of the unequal distribution of mental, physical, and other skills.
I'd have to say that would not work for me. Is that your understanding of what it is? I'd like to see a new economic system that values labor in a way that ensures everyone makes a living wage and that eliminates poverty. There is enough wealth in the system right now. The problem is that it is concentrated at the top.
I've never seen the movie, but have heard of the speech. Thanks for that. Amazing how it applies today.
Gosh, I love history!
That's a good movie. I've seen it.
Wow. I'm impressed. Cool, but I'm not sure if what your promoting is libertarian or what. I can't tell from your video. I'm not libertarian at all. For me that is definitely not the way to go. Free wheeling capitalism. No.
noooo not libertarian.
No more clips. Speak.
what would you have me say that the world is crumbling all around us in some sort of apocalyptic whirl? that our hope lies not with people waking up but people acting. that the ignorance among even the enlightened is extreme. that our only hope is for people to push themselves to be genius level polymaths and enlightened spiritual mystics.
I like the way you put things, but what I was getting at is: What are you getting at? I totally get where you are coming from, but where are you going? You're not libertarian. That's good. So, what political system are you thinking might work?
Big business is in league with both major Parties. They are really just two different factions of the same single party designed to serve the interest of the 1%. Don't forget that Obama got more money from Wall Street than anyone and Wall Street is one of Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer's biggest supporters. The greatest weakness of progressives in the US is how successfully they have been hoodwinked by the Democrats.
I am not here suggesting that any pathetically small so called third party is an adequate answer. Progressives in America need to face facts and acknowledge just how pathetically weak we are. Whether we support Democrats or tiny third parties, our real impact on electoral politics in America is virtually nil. It does not always have to be that way, but we have a lot of organizing to do before we can begin to have an impact on the electoral arena.
I have thought the same thing for a long time.
The Republicans never even mentions anything about creating jobs. They have no plan!
They just chant over and over that Obama is not solving the problem while they block and criticize his efforts.
They could at least fake it that they want to create jobs, but they don't even do that!
I am always amazed when I think I am seeing something new only to find out it is just the same old shit from different assholes.
BTW thanks for the good post
That's funny. It seems as though OWS has started the yelling. I am a lot more pissed and aware than I was before. I am on board for the next phase.
It's about the Presidential election. We've never had a President reelected with anything over 7.5 percent unemployment - I think that's the number. We're about a percentage point above now.
In the runup to the budget debate deadline, Aug 4 of last summer, repelicans insisted on keeping the bushite tax breaks for billionaires, and they refused to end corporate welfare.
Joe Biden cornered oil exec in 2007 at a Senate hearing - and he asked them point blank - do they really need the tax breaks.
they looked sheepish and said no.
they are still getting them.
Anyway - the budget debate. Raising the Debt ceiling - Aug 4. REpeliKans engaged in brinkmanship, refused to budge. As they did so, the market got nervous that the US might default on its debt - which means no payment on bonds and things.
The stock market tanked.
Jobs numbers shrank.
RepeliKans held their ground, claiming
one of their own insisted that ending bushite tax breaks were not new taxes.
they refused to listen.
they are hoping to get the black man out of the White House.
and they don't care what it costs the American people.
the repeliKan party is DONE
I hear what you are saying and it seems hard to dispute.
The other day when I heard the latest propaganda release about the cost of gas going up, I immediately thought about the money that would be transferred to the oil companies. Instead of citizens spending their money to stimulate the economy and jobs they will be giving it to the oil companies that we are subsidizing with our tax money through tax shelters. The end result is that unemployment will remain high and help get the GOP back in charge.
I managed a warehouse for a medium sized business in Texas. I was pretty tight with the owners, and during the bush/gore election year, they flat out told me they we're holding off hiring until they we're certain a republican was in the white house. I can only speculate, not prove, that big business is holding its chips right now, but I would bet my last dollar you're right.
The only thing occurring to me lately is that the two party system is flawed. It means that an individual has a bias of one kind or the other and yet wants to be elected to represent all of the people of his state or Country. Just say NO!
two puppet system
If it has occurred to anyone, it should be considered faulty agency detection. Imagine, there are tens of thousands of corporations in the United States, millions of managers, hundreds of politicians, thousands of political staffers, tens of thousands of government agency employees, etc. etc. (in other words, you'd need a lot of people on board with this sort of conspiracy theory). Absurdly improbable.
not really it can all be done with a wink and a nod plus these people socialize together.
no, that's impossible. republicans are patriots. they are noble in a founding father sort of way. they wouldn't do that to America.
I wish it was only that simple. In fact the root of the problem in the "economy" (a meaningless term, only a buzzword...define your terms clearly...don't use buzzwords) is that the income generated is not distributed to those whose work to produce that income fairly. In fact the 1% who made no productive efforts (that is the definition of "work") to generate that income recieve a larger return for thier non-work than the 99% who actually do the work to generate that income. Solve that basic problem, and the "economic downturn" resolves itself. I don't know how to do that, but that's why I'm #OWS.
off with their heads!
Fu@king Romney took more money from the banks than any of the others. check him out on Keep looking Credit Suisse Group is owned (12% controlling stock) by CRESCENT Holding GmbH (aka the Saudi Royal Family) and Qatar Investment Authority (The Nation of Qatar) We already know about Goldman Sachs.
Why are the donating money to Obama then?
I've had this same thought, but don't really think so. Corporate money has gotten so powerful in Washington that big business doesn't really care who's in office.
i agree that both parties serve the same power however it is clear that the republicans serve it much more. democrats really have been moved to the middle the republicans are the right there has not been a real left since they killed our last true leaders rfk and mlk.
Heck, the democrats may have moved right of center. Obamacare, for lack of a better term, is basically Romney's Healthcare Bill. There's still a few Dems out there that haven't sold their soul. Marcy Kaptur is one.
well yeah
That's why I've been so adamant about not buying into the whole - "we're not for any party" - stuff. I mean, I sympathize - but hey.
I would hate to see our efforts wasted because of a simple lack of understanding what is going on. The fukin repeliKan scum have got to go - it is inevitable that they will at some point, either as soon as Glacier National Park is denuded of glacial ice - if not before.
I would prefer it sooner than later.
Like I keep saying:
the righties are fools.
this movement is in large measure all about holding people accountable - this nation has incurred debt - debt due to war, debt due to the economic collapse - and they would have us refuse to pay that debt.
they would have us tank the economy even further with such nonsense.
Revenue will be raised to meet our common obligation.
And we will hold those accountable for promoting fiscal policy and economic theory that has proven itself a sham.
The movie Inside Job makes it quite clear: Conservatives set to implement financial deregulation as far back as the late 1970s, and part of that process included the appointment to the Supreme Court
And it is clear - as that process began to bear fruit, Conservatives began screaming about Liberal Activist Judges, and thus distract the public from their process of Activism toward deregulation.
repeliKans are liars
repeliKans with their process of deregulation have fucked the American public.
repeliKans continue to lie about Global Warming
repeliKans will soon reap the harvest they have sown
The people are coming. No one can stop it. No one can avoid it. And in fact, we will all benefit.
Except of course, those who get in the way. Then there's just no tellin'.
you call them repelikans do you like david icke?
actually I had never heard of Icke until I arrived here.
RepeliKan -
is a term of approbation,
a proof,
derogatory in nature,
intended to shame
and to ridicule
those who run for high office
upon a platform of lies before the whole world
and have not the decency to blush bright crimson.
they are reprehensible.
they are repulsive.
they are repellent.
they are repeliKans . . . .
see also:
check this video out it is great!
I would, but I'm on dialup
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