Forum Post: Did a little work on the Subsidiary Directory site - people were asking about joining
Posted 11 years ago on March 12, 2013, 2:07 a.m. EST by Kavatz
from Edmonton, AB
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Also, I added some Inspiration and expanded a few things. Snoop around.
A bit at a time!
This line stuck in my craw.
(quote) Automatically mass-boycott 1%-owned corporations without having to think.(unquote)
Without having to think? Really? Who will do the thinking?
Hehe stuck in my craw! I'm gonna have to use that.
Well, if the 1% is banned from joining and the Subsidiaries are all smaller businesses (local producers, co-ops, etc.), you'll know the Directory is taking the guesswork out of it.
How is your craw now?
Nobody will be my brain or decision maker.
Ok, I'll reword it. Thanks for the feedback, and sorry about your craw!