Forum Post: DG&RC: Manifestation of Departmental Governance
Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 17, 2012, 11:28 a.m. EST by Kavatz
from Edmonton, AB
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
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I'll describe these items and link to each post from here, like a table of contents:
Evaluation Process
Legislative Court
Political Nonprofits
Political Parties -
Public Central Bank
Back to Topic References:
Departments are silos of government. Examples are the Justice, Environment and Economics Department.
Each has a leadership which is evaluated by its constituency.
Each produces a certain amount of leaders on each level of government. Departments are made up of branches, or Political Nonprofits.
The Economics Department is special:
allocates funding to other departments
administers the Public Central Bank (a branch of Economics)
manages currency supply and determines fiscal and monetary policies
The Justice Department and others are also unique. -see Legislative Court
DG Political Parties are united concerned citizens with great power to influence government.
Examples could be Greenpeace and Amnesty International. They are associated with and assisted by DG Political Nonprofits. To balance power, they oppose any number of departments.
What about the Democrat and Republican Parties? They would no longer exist. This antiquated device is no longer required. They only serve to deceive and divide the nation, and are huge burdens on economy and democracy. This is a primary source of waste which DG exists to resolve.
Imagine a political framework where there is no president, but a figurehead without power representing the nation.
The term "political party" has a totally different meaning. There is no voting or electoral process. DG political parties are associated with nonprofit organizations (Greenpeace) and various entities in the public sector. They take the role of activist opposition, and keep government in check.
Government is divided by department. Justice, Natural Resources, Infrastructure, Economics, Employment and Taxation, Human Services, Healthcare and Science are hypothetical examples of departments.
You become associated with a department for two reasons: income and politics.
As a member of a department, you are entitled to employment and the ability to influence government in a few ways. You would have the right to run for "leadership".
As a leader (official or "running"), your constituency evaluates your "virtues" as they compare to the democratically decided "most desirable virtues" for your department. The DG evaluation process replaces voting and renders the political parties of today obsolete.
What do official leaders do? Represent, public presentations and debates, travel, study, mentor and teach. They are experts in their department, understand issues and are well known by their constituency. They also make important decisions in legislative court.
An important concept to realize is that you must be associated with a department to evaluate its leaders. You can trust that other departments care for theirs like you care for yours. Don't like what's going on in another department? Join its opposition or start a new political party.
-more coming