Forum Post: Dexia bank being bailed our right now!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 5:45 a.m. EST by lfelipe77
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ONE MORE BANK BEING Bailed out! 400 Billions debt plus a 54 Billions of Euros left as a guarantee.... That is not going to the news any more... Only local news... Belgian, Luxembourg and French people are paying the price. They make a mistake, the people pay.... Fucking awesome for them!
they got bailed this past monday homie, been in the works for months. the real problem is greece got it's e.u. bailout installment around the same time and it may not make it to the next installment, if they even get it, germany is backing out. guess who is propping up the banks that prop up greece? the U.S. treasury YEAYYYY!!! greece gov bonds, worthless soon, like loosing your ass in the stock market, accept it's americas ass.