Forum Post: denounce antisemitism
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 10:24 p.m. EST by justiciero
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
…Unfortunately, the hateful fringe of the Occupy Wall Street Movement is now also coast-to-coast, though you might not know it from the mainstream media. Today’s hate propaganda from the New York protests has gone viral. This includes placards identifying “Wall Street Jews” as “Hitler’s Bankers,” and angry shouts of “Kill/Screw Google Jews.” According to anecdotal evidence, the conspiracy banter that the 9/11 attacks were a U.S. government and/or Israeli plot is also popular among some protestors.
From Wall Street to LA’s City Hall now comes a copycat wave of street posters including one with the headline “End the Fed Spigot” under which are pictures of missiles and Stars of David bombarding innocent victims. Another pseudo-learned poster tells us: “Humanity has been colonized by a Satanic cult called the ILLUMINATI . . . Masonic and Jewish bankers who . . . control the purse strings [and] are conspiring against us. They have orchestrated TWO WORLD WARS and are planning a THIRD.” We are told that it’s “Humanity VS. The Rothschilds”. Protester Patricia McAllister, who says she works for LA Unified Schools exercised her First Amendment Right thus: “I think that the Zionist Jews, who are running these big banks and our Federal Reserve, . . . need to be run out of this country.”
For almost 200 years, blaming the world’s economic woes on the Rothschilds or Wall Street or Jewish bankers has been “the socialism of fools”—and mother’s milk of every demagogue from Hitler to Henry Ford to the Internet bloggers who still insist that Goldman Sachs’s secret Zionist high-command cunningly engineered the 2008 global financial collapse. Of course, toxic hate is not the motivator of most protestors, many of whom are suffering from orsincerely concerned about real economic hardship. Yet history shows the danger of lunatic fringe ideas spreading from the periphery to the center of a tumultuous movement…
The Tea Party, when it emerged in 2009, also attracted its own extremist fringe, as a hyper-vigilant national media was correct to quickly expose. Some of the Tea Party fringe equated Obama with Hitler and claimed that the first African American president was a Manchurian candidate with a phony birth certificate. Yet the Tea Party Movement eventually produced grassroots leaders who denounced such nonsense and repeatedly disavowed racism and racists. Though not everyone was convinced by the Tea Party’s disavowals of prejudice, millions of decent Americans who weren’t bigots voted in the 2010 elections to support the complaints and goals of the movement.
…If the Occupy Wall Streeters really want their movement to achieve mainstream credibility, they should begin by policing their own ranks… social and political civility must also prevail. The Occupy Movement’s leaders in LA as well as New York need to disown the purveyors of hate within their ranks. They must pull the plug on the bigots amongst them who view the slogan of fighting the detested “1 percent of fat cats” as their opportunity to mainstream the hatred of Jews.
Nazis are terrorists who, if given the chance, would put OWS folks in gas chambers with Jews, gypsies, gay people, &c. Anti-semitism is deadly for any movement of workers and oppressed people. OWS needs to defend itself. Nazis out!
You are correct they cannot just be ignored. Ignoring them is the same as tacitly accepting them. They just want to make the protest about themselves which is a totally crappy thing to do. The best plan of action is not respond to them at a group. No mention of nazi or skinhead or whatever their organization name is. Instead create a release specifying which of their beliefs do not represent the movement's ideals.
california denounces anti semitism ..prejudice ignorance war racism and corruption...just for starters
1.) This is overblown. A few trolls on the forum and some concerted smear efforts by the likes of James O'Keefe. I'm also unsure as to the sincerity of this post. The only placard I've seen is from a crank in NYC that was carrying it around long before OWS and has nothing to do with us. As for the rest, pics or it didn't happen.
2.) I denounce antisemitism and fight it when I see it. I admit to getting lazy because the troll posts keep coming in...
I'll bet anything the poster is not Jewish and said nothing when Glenn Beck went about slandering dozens of Jewish people on his show with pre-Holocaust stereotypes..
I can spot these freakin' hypocrites a mile away.
Anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism. Get it straight.
I don't see how a leaderless movement can "police its own ranks". But certainly it would be nice to see some prominent people in the OWS find a way to arrange the widespread public "ratification" of a set of common founding principles, in which the rejection of prejudice would surely figure prominently.
I support Lord Christ, a Jew, and applaud the Jewish people for having created the first monotheistic religion among may other noble achievements, such as those of Einstein. I never belittle such smart people as these, I follow in them.