Forum Post: Demystify Economics
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 2:32 a.m. EST by ama1
from Columbus, OH
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
My thought is to demystify macroeconomics. I believe many Americans are of the mind ... " I don’t know anything about that but I know it's wrong to kill a baby". This allows the Plutocracy to continue it's deceptions. Macroeconomics is 4th grade math!!!
The math of any economic proposal works, or it does not depending on your objective. Keynes works today. Political solutions to macroeconomic problems aetr just more bombast
If anyone is looking to be free of the 'socialism vs. capitalism' mental trap, I suggest looking into the American system of political economics (Friedrich List, 'National System of economy;' Hamilton, Carey, Lincoln...)
Whereas socialism /capitalism don't seem to object to a usurious (supra-national) central banking system, the American system emphasizes the sovereign nation state(s) and the defense and improvement of the General Welfare.
Please watch, I believe it can give you a deeper understanding of the root causes:
Thanks. I will watch this tomorrow and let you know what I think.
Thank you!
lol keynes works today
yes, the only answer is for the oligarchy to spend more on special interests