Forum Post: Demonizing the Enemy: Preparing Americans and the World for an All Out Attack against Iran by Russ Baker
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 27, 2011, 7:34 p.m. EST by alouis
from New York, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
A growing body of evidence points to a concerted campaign to prepare Americans and the world for war against Iran. This is not idle speculation. It fits a pattern that repeatedly preceded previous hostilities.
Here are the recent examples on Iran:
-The claim that Iran is a WMD threat. Pretty much everyone is familiar with the long-term, continuing efforts to paint Iran as some kind of nuclear threat. This ignores the possibility that Iran is telling the truth in contending it is embarked on solely non-military nuclear research (debatable), and serious doubts among many experts that Iran is preparing nuclear weapons. Perhaps most important, it discounts the fact that many countries (including Iran’s arch-enemy Israel) have nuclear weapons, and disregards the undoubted truth that if a country like Iran ever did launch nuclear weapons, it would be wiped out in a nanosecond, creating a very strong disincentive for offensive use. At the same time, by encouraging other countries and internal foes to believe that it has nuclear weapons, Iran creates an inexpensive protective shield for its regime. A dangerous game, to be sure, but without further evidence of Iranian nukes, hardly a reason to launch a war that would surely cause even more death and destruction than the misguided Iraq invasion.
-The claim that Iran tried to hire Mexican drug cartel hit squads to kill a Saudi ambassador on US soil (fizzled). Remember this one? So ludicrous that even ultra-cautious corporate news organizations laughed it out of the spotlight. Still, it may have been a test of what will fly—and likely did impact a percentage of the population, particularly those getting their info from jingoistic outlets like Fox.
-The claim that Iran was complicit in the 9/11 attacks (current). A federal judge, reviewing evidence presented in a lawsuit on behalf of 9/11 victims, concluded this month that it proved Iran “provided direct support to Al Qaeda specifically for the attacks…on September 11, 2001.” This one may gain traction due to powerful lingering emotions on the topic. (For complaints about the general operating style of the judge who ruled in the case, click here.) Because this ruling and the underlying lawsuit are based largely on the claims of defectors (and past experience shows that defectors frequently trade politically valuable assertions for personal benefits), more research is needed on this. (Remember discredited CIA Iraq source “Curveball”?) The cited “NSA intercepts” also bring to mind the intercepts put forward as proof that Saddam had WMDs.
It is further worth noting that the defendant, Iran, was not present to challenge the assertions. In addition, examination of many of the plaintiff assertions shows that they may misrepresent circumstantial evidence. (Example: “Several of the 9/11 hijackers transited Iran on their way to or from Afghanistan, taking advantage of the Iranian practice of not stamping Saudi passports.” This ignores the fact that Iran, which is an enemy of Saudi Arabia, makes a practice of not stamping Saudi passports so that Saudi nationals, especially minority Shiites, do not get in trouble with Saudi authorities on their return—similar to Cuba’s practice of not stamping American passports.)
This story has yet to break big, but count on the ruling to be cited increasingly in the months ahead by those pushing for war.
And here are a few past examples of fake accusations and media distortions (1990 to 2011).
Blame Saddam for Incubator baby deaths and plots against Bush’s father; provoke him by slant drilling from Kuwait, then imply no objection if he takes action; blame him for 9/11 complicity, falsely tie him to Al Qaeda, claim he possesses WMDs and poses an imminent threat, misrepresent claims to make it seem that he did not destroy WMD stocks as ordered.. More here and here and here.
-Blame Qaddafi for Lockerbie bombing, mass rapes, mass murder, fund an uprising, then bomb him for “humanitarian” reasons when he responds in order to assure his survival. Click here and here for more on this.
You don’t have to approve of these regimes to see that these appear to be (and in many cases certainly were) false provocations that reek of ulterior motives (hint: how many of these countries are oil exporters?) In fact, you can abhor these regimes and hope that they will not survive, and still realize how problematical it is for the American government to repeatedly foist big lies on its own people. This kind of thing is beneath any administration claiming lofty ideals and purporting to serve the public interest—and something that none of us should feel comfortable being party to.
If the public interest is defined as “seizing oil wherever it may be found,” then, well, that’s a conversation we need to have…and quick. There are severe consequences of this definition. Among them, the empowerment of those forces, both corporate and governmental, that profit most from the unbridled development of fossil fuels—and that have good reasons to block the development of renewable sources of energy. They’re known today as the One Percent, and they are destroying our world.
Global Research Articles by Russ Baker
I didn't see Syriana but i did see "Wag the Dog". Remember the Monica look alike? Amazing coincidence!
Unfortunately, I think it is even worse than you think. The very peak of the financial oligarchy has the objective of reducing the global population to about 1 billion people.
They want to use Iran to trigger a regional war, which will spread to Russia and China. Then, these would engage in a nuclear WW3 with the US. Have you read any of this online? If not, just google "Iran WW3"
I know. They've been blathering about "excess people" since the days of Malthus.
Nice video. Anyone who has flown over the US would have seen that the vast majority of it is wide open space.
This is why we are here this is why you are needed.
Share, circulate, educate, inspire.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad addressing UN body; I hate to agree with him here... Due to our leadership (or lack thereof) we are treading on thin ice with the world as a whole...
You can not point fingers ( throw rocks ) at everyone else it really is not a good distraction for the shit on your own floor.
Not sure if you are referring to US or them??
Both are suitable.
But I was mainly talking about the government of the USA. It seems pretty hypocritical to point your finger at another country for their failures and corruption, while supporting failures and corruption of your own.
Yep , our leaders set quite the example for the world - do as we say but you nust not do as we do.
Well when you put it like that........ I mean . . . . no-one is perfect right?
But I guess that is still no reason not to at least try.
Who knows what is really going on, I mean I have spoken to Iraq & Afghanistan vets who say the media is missing the real ingredients of what is happening.
I have been told we are controlling the Opium/poppy trade (and US gov is getting a cut)
There are also Chinese interests in Iraq, who are getting the oil as "payment" of interest on national debt. We paved the way for them under the guise of nation building to expunge terrorism. They cannot go public, but it appears to be the consensus.
Yes, and opium contributes huge sums of money to the global banks, and is used as a chemical weapon to weaken the people.
People have stories to tell. Let's hope they will get together and back each other up. Any evidence or a point in the right direction is also helpful. You know, like follow the money and any names involved.
This is why we are here this is why you are needed.
Share, circulate, educate, inspire.
They cannot follow any money as that is all "out of sight & out of mind".
Soldiers have in many instances stated their "gut feelings"
If you were asked to post guard and seize control of poppy fields, provide "security" etc.. Chinese insignia on equipment at Iraqi oil wells, etc.
Our government is a bunch of mobsters, in charge of a global "racket" and are no different from the mafia in a sense - use politics, laws, and military industrial complex as the guns to get the job done as the elites see fit.
Our government and system has been hijacked, and will take a lot to fix.. It must hit bottom if it is to ever recover...
Hitting bottom like an alcoholic or an addict. Makes sense as Greed is a disease like they are claiming for alcoholics & addicts. Only I think Greed is more like a Cancer something you want to cut out and treat before it metastasizes. If you hit bottom with Cancer, well what does that leave you, besides dead?
Well there is illegal traffic and then there is big Pharma. Who knows how many fingers are in the pie.
The FDA, food and drug administration.....
They approve the food additives, chemicals, preservatives, sweeteners, flavor enhancers, etc and approve the drugs for big pharma to treat the diseases caused....
Big pharma drugs, create a whole list of side effects, leading to more reactions, diseases and dependence on the medical industry (cancer treatment, autoimmune disorders, etc) which profits from this. Then the universal healthcare, insurance industry..
It is all connected, and opium leads to heroin, drug addiction, then treatment programs. More and more jobs created in name of medical commerce.
They control all the rackets, that keep the grand ponzi scheme of our "economy" afloat..
Eat organic, don;t go to doctors unless infection, use herbals, eat as close to nature (not processed-loaded with crap poor excuse for food) and you need none of the above.
I was diagnosed with leukemia (lost weight, etc) and figured out what kept it coming back. Soda and energy drinks...I researched an ingredient Sodium benzoate, it turns to benzene in presence of ascorbic acid (vitamin c) I refused chemo, went back to natural foods/organic/ and supplements. No sign of any problems now. Cured a friend of thyroid disease, by having her rub iodine on skin 3X /day, avoid fluoridated tap water and use distilled water instead. Supplement magnesium and calcium and her thyroid was perfect, she is off her syntheroid med.
They want permanent customers. The chinese had it right with yin / yang - balance,
All of the cures/treatments are out there. It takes a full detox, going back to basics and knowing ingredients of what consumed. Eliminate the bad, and treat with nature. Obviously if you have tumor, something must be done, but if not sick, wait it out....I cured myself into remission. I know when something is wrong now if my complexion goes pale and I get bruises. I only came out of it once....
Well keep fighting the good fight.
I am also a real believer in natural. Vitamins, nutritional supplements etc.
May our Father and our Savior bless you with continued success.
This is why I am here, and I share the healing powers granted to us all, it is my job to point out the broken points of the system, and thank you... We all are going to need their blessings...and the thing is they are with you and me...
Keep the faith and keep strong.
It has already been set up. They were posting billboards some time back with Iran leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was portrayed on billboards with the twin towers burning in the background with various captions such as.... "This is why we need the Patriot act..." "Do you want this to happen again??"
They have been preparing the masses for this, and when it happens it will so occur under the guise of "humanitarian relief" or attack on Israel/ weapons of mass destruction card again or all of the above...
Something is about to happen soon, so buckle up!
Yes keep your head, hands and arms safely inside the vehicle until it comes to a complete stop.
Why the shock?
In 2003, we knew Iran was next. Iran knew Iran was next.
There is no nuclear weapon program and it would take over decade to even get there. It is a bullshit set up if I ever saw one.
It does no harm to try to alert people to the latest war campaign. that is the incredible allegation that Iran is responsible for the 911 attacks. 911 truth is a good antidote to this poison.
I agree and in truth, it isn't you specifically, it is the other 30 other posts on it. I cannot recall any of your posts near anything close to fear mongering.
They know that we know that they are full of it. It makes me angry.
New Building 7 Poll Download Press Release (PDF) Download Poll Results (PDF)
Siena Research Institute Poll Commissioned by “Remember Building 7” Campaign Shows Significant Skepticism of Official Account
June 8, 2011
NEW YORK CITY, NY — Amid its June 6th launch of 425 advertising spots on New York television, Remember Building 7 – an advocacy campaign calling for a new investigation into the collapse of a third skyscraper on 9/11 – has released findings from a new poll it commissioned on what New Yorkers believe about that day.
The May polling of 643 New Yorkers (including respondents in all of New York City’s five boroughs) by the independent Siena Research Institute shows meaningful levels of doubt and concern regarding the truth about what happened that day, with only 60 percent of New Yorkers ready to “move on”, and 48 percent in favor of the Manhattan District Attorney or New York City Council opening a new investigation into the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7.
The poll finds:
• 1 in 3 New Yorkers were unaware of Building 7’s collapse (the skyscraper was not hit by an airplane; it collapsed seven hours after the Twin Towers), only 25 percent have ever seen video footage of the collapse, and 86 percent were unable to name the building;
• Of those aware of Building 7’s collapse, 24 percent believe it was a controlled demolition that brought the building down, 23 percent are unsure, and 49 percent believe it was caused by fires;
• 36 percent of all respondents are inclined to believe critics who argue against the government’s explanation that the collapse was caused by fires, including a group of 1,500 architects and engineers who say no steel-framed skyscraper has ever succumbed to fire. Forty percent are inclined to believe the government’s account, and 23 percent are unsure;
• 48 percent of those polled are in favor of a new investigation into Building 7’s collapse, compared to 44 percent opposed and 8 percent who don’t know or refused to answer.
• 28 percent — more than 1 in 4 — believe the Twin Towers were brought down with explosives or some other demolition devices in addition to being hit by airplanes.
• In sum, 36 percent say they are “not satisfied that we know the whole truth about that day, and it is time to get to the bottom of what happened,” versus 60 percent who ten years later say they are “satisfied that we understand well enough what happened and it’s time to move on.”
The poll findings can be found at and the Remember Building 7 campaign site,
The 30-second advertising spots produced for Remember Building 7 feature 9/11 family members, architects and engineers who call for more information about how Building 7 collapsed. Video of the building’s free-fall is shown. (The spot, second in a series that began last September, may be viewed at The spots are airing in the New York area through June 26 on fifteen different cable channels, including New York 1 News, MSNBC, CNN, Comedy Central, HGTV, Logo, Bio, MSG, YES, VH1, CNBC and Bravo, among others.
$100,000 used to purchase the spots was raised from contributions made through the site.
“As we approach the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 tragedy, it is important to note that there are significant numbers of people who still don’t feel their questions have been fully answered,” says Manny Badillo, Director of Outreach for the New York City Coalition for Accountability Now (NYC CAN), a co-sponsor of the Remember Building 7 campaign. The other cosponsor, Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth), has gathered over 1,500 signatures from architects and engineers who say the government’s 2008 account by the National Institute of Standards and Technology of Building 7’s collapse is physically impossible, and that its fall was due to a controlled demolition.
Badillo, a former member of the U.S. Air Force, lost his uncle on 9/11 and appears in the TV ad. He says that the government has not answered 70 percent of 9/11 families’ questions about what happened that day.
“The story of 9/11 is not complete without the voices of patriotic Americans who question the official account of what happened on 9/11. Our world has never been the same since then – it’s time for more information,” states Badillo.
William Brinnier, a New York architect who also appears in the TV spot, notes, “It’s remarkable that 1 out of 3 people don’t know a third building collapsed on 9/11, but it’s encouraging to see that when they are informed of the 1,500 architects and engineers who question the government’s findings, more people support a new investigation than don’t.”
Brinnier lost a friend, WTC construction manager Frank DeMartini, who was responsible for rescuing people from the Twin Towers before his death there on 9/11.
For more information, contact: 516-564-3480