Forum Post: Democrats needs to take the party back from liberals!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 10:32 p.m. EST by LiberalsAreExHighSchoolGeeks
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liberals are part of the Leftist Machine: liberals, RINOs, progressives, and socialists.
The Leftist Machine has controlled CBS/NBC/ABC, Hollywood, and politics for decades.
Please do some substantial research before you form opinions or vote! Ads, speeches, and biased news are not fact and not research.
By the way to be a Democrat used to mean to be liberal. Only today in our now ONE party system do we have Republicans in Both Parties. Welcome to Nazi America where only the Republican voice is the one heard. The News sides with Wall Street and big money machine and of course the Right Wing Storm Troopers who are their thugs. I have not seen a real Democrat in a long time. You have to go back to the 1960's in order to find a time when Democrats actually defended the poor. The War On Poverty took place way in the 1960's. Since then the Republicans and shamefully the Democrats have been taking away all the positive progress and legacy left to us by Roosevelt and L.B.Johnson. We now have a one party system like Nazi Germany had in the 1930's. Our Balanced Two Party system was supposed to make sure that justice was done in defense of the people not the 1% rich and powerful and their thugs.
liberal Snowleopard...really? C'mon. liberals are so extremely biased that it's impossible to have a constructive discussion with them.
You are being ruled by The Establishment!
Have you noticed how nothing ever really changes regardless of who's in power? Why did George W. Bush implement Medicare Part D? That was one of the most expensive pieces of liberal social legislation in decades. Why is President Obama still conducting wars started by Bush? Why are there so many millionaires (Dem & Rep) in Congress and the Senate?
Wake up!
Strangely enough here is where we agree except Bush the liberal. But I definitely agree that whether you vote in a Republican or Democrat that they will do the bidding of the powerful 1%. The Energy companies are served first even before other big capitalists hence why we went into Iraq. I am sure you remember that Halliburton was the only winner there. The American people saw none of that vast fortune that Halliburton made. It is Obama with other Congressmen who put that "Cut Bomb" in place that will detonate on both civilian and the Pentagon and Intelligence community, in 2013 if that Super Comity does not find 1 trillion in spending cuts. So Obama is just as guilty as the rest. Obama is just as right wing as Reagan by even supporting these cuts. Clinton VETOED those cuts. He was a real Democrat. Obama is fake. I will not vote for Obama in November 2012. I will vote for Ralph Nader as I did in 2008 because he is at least third party person and leans to the left. Of course if someone arises that I like better I could easily vote for him/ her. I just know I will not vote for any of the two main party candidates.
Dems need to take their party back from the corporate fascists, who, incidentally, also own the repuglicans.
Better yet, the rest of us just need to vote both these parties out and vote in 3rd parties who take no corporate donations and will work for the well-being of the people, like the Green Party, Working Families, the Democratic Socialist Party or others.
Hell no...Democratic Socialist Party? Do you really know what a socialist is? Do you know the history?
Nazi is the short form of National Socialism. Socialism is basically where the government owns and runs everything.
Are you a responsible adult? Can you think and take care of yourself?
Oh, here we go again... Yes. I know what a socialist is.
It is clear that you do not. Nazis, despite using the term in their party name, were not, in fact, socialists. You should try reading a book. And not one written by Glenn Beck. Socialism is an economic and political system that seeks to ensure equality by putting more power into the hands of labor (the middle class, people who work for a living), and ensure the laborers receive a fair share of the profits of their labor (as opposed to stealing the fruits of their labor and funneling the profits into the hands of wealthy capitalists). Democratic socialism works pretty darned great in Norway, Finland, Sweden, and other European nations, where everybody has health care, gets an education, unemployment is a lot lower, national debt is negligible, and, in fact, the standard of lving is higher. You've just bought the corporate fascists' propaganda that somehow "socialism = nazi", when, in all truth, their corporate fascism is a lot closer to naziism than the socialism they revile. They want you to believe that socialism is about stealing from workers to give to lazy welfare queens in cadillacs, or some other such bloated lies and bullshite. Nothing could be further from the truth. Socialism is more about making sure everyone has an opportunity to work, and reap the rewards of their labor. It's not about stealing from anyone. Furthermore, socialists are very much in favor of human and civil rights and equality, and do not condone racism, genocide, or disenfranchisement of any portion of the population based on race or religion, etc. Socialism is not naziism, it is not totalitarianism, and it isn't theft. Corporate fascism IS totalitarianism and theft. Corporate fascism is especially theft from laborers to enrich the already powerful and wealthy elite.
And, yes! I can think. I worked very hard to put myself through college, painting houses and waiting tables, and I graduated with various honors. I did very well. I can now program computers in several languages, and I can speak several languages. I can also take care of myself. I run a business translating technical documentation and building websites from my home office, in fact, and I do just fine. In fact, I also take care of my daughter, and have raised her on my own since she was 6 months old. She is now 12, very smart, doing great in school, and quite healthy.
I want justice for America's working people, however, and our current corporate fascism continues to steal the profits of the laborers to funnel resources, wealth, and power in to the hands of a few elite. That is not justice.
I feel it is important to point out, too, that the OWS movement is not about implementing socialism. It's about getting corporate money and influence out of our government. My own opinions about socialism are not the opinions of the movement.
Dems need to take their party back from war makers
The Iraq and Afghanistan wars have gone on way too long, but I think war is the least of the Democrats' problems.
The liberals are ruining America by pushing an "anything goes, because you can you should" agenda. I'm talking primarily about social issues.
The liberals' tax and spend attitude is equally as bad as their views on how Americans should live.
How many times have you copied and pasted this same response? This is the third time that I have seen this from you.
Yes we need to take the liberalism out altogether!
You've been watching too much FLAKESnews.
What would you consider research?
This has nothing to do with news you immature liberal. FoxNews is extremely biased toward Republicans; bias in news leads to lies and inaccurate reporting.
You just keep thinking this is CNN versus FoxNews or Democrat versus Republican.
This country needs a multi-party system. A sane Democrat party will do, but liberalism is an ideology that should be crushed like communism. It sounds like you need to be crushed too.
No ideology should be crushed in a free society. I thought you were crying for a return to the Constitution? You should read it. It guarantees freedom of thought, belief, and expression, which means that Americans are free to believe and think as they see fit, and express their views, even if they don't agree with you.
There is no Democrat Party.
So you have been watching FLAKESnews. That explains a lot. I'll ignore your lame insult.
C'mon. Answer the question. What would you consider research?
interesting post, liberals dominate the democratic party... who would you consider a good example of a "democrat"?
JFK would be considered a conservative today compared to the current Democratic Party.
Hardly. Why do people think all liberals are doves?
John F. Kennedy defined a liberal as follows:
“...someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people — their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties — someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a 'Liberal', then I’m proud to say I’m a 'Liberal'."
But Lincoln and Ike would definitely be liberals by today's reactionary Republican standards.
"reactionary Republican standards"? Trying to sound smart? Well you sound just like other arrogant, know-it-all.
Sane Americans don't need to go to Wikipedia to learn what a liberal is, does, or is capable of. We just need to follow the news.
Sigh. That's how being right sounds apparently. You only know the caricatures fed to you by corporate media (and especially Fox), which means you know less than nothing, you know disinformation. Propaganda.
I bet it bothers you that the vast majority of college graduates, and especially those with advanced degrees, are far more likely to be liberals. Apparently anything smacking of intellecualism, logic, rationality, reason, or intelligence frightens you. Even your name seems to indicate so. You fear that which you do not understand. I pity you.
JFK's definition of liberal 50 years ago doesn't jive with the liberals of today. There is a big difference between caring about these issues and providing an environment where they can thrive versus creating mandates and regulations controlling the lives of others for the benefit of a select few. JFK also believed in the people doing right for their fellow American as opposed to trusting the government to be the be all, end all of compassion.
By the way, I agree that Ike and Lincoln would not be accepted in today's GOP.
No. Words have meanings. Just because some people you don't like define themselves as liberal, doesn't mean they are.
Just like a neocon (nor most Republicans, who are reactionary) is not a conservative.
JFK saw rightly that government IS the people. That's what he was talking about when he talked about people doing for their country. Through government. He was talking about civic duty. What do you think he meant when he said "The problems of man are man-made; they can be solved by man. And man can be as big as he wants. No problem of human destiny is beyond human beings. Man's reason and spirit have often solved the seemingly unsolvable-and we believe they can do it again."
He was talking about man as us operating together through government to make the world better. He wasn't just telling people to go off on their own and be great as individuals; he was rallying the country to work together as a nation.
That is liberalism. You folks have just turned inwards and away and don't see the common as a good thing. You want to be left alone. You don't want to work on collective, big solutions, to big common problems. And us liberals do, and you hate us for it.
"By the way, I agree that Ike and Lincoln would not be accepted in today's GOP."
At least there's that.
I do not see this quote as referring to government. If that was what he meant, why didn't he just say that? It sounds more like he was putting his trust in the people to do right. The government is (supposed to be) made up of the people and are to represent us, but it is not the people.
"The problems of man are man-made; they can be solved by government. And the government can be as big as it wants. No problem of human destiny is beyond the government. The government's reason and spirit have often solved the seemingly unsolvable-and we believe it can do it again." This just doesn't seem like something he would believe and it is certainly not something he would say.
Yeah, the Apollo project was him telling people to go do their own thing, as was New Frontier:
Government is of the people. by the people, and for the people. We take that to heart. That is the missing link for you.
He wasn't speaking as the head of the American individualist society, by the way, but as the head of government. Man, solving man's (collective) problems... and he's involved, as the head of government, how?
If you really think that the government is of the people and for the people, you are delusional. When Congress is made up of regular working people as opposed to the wealthy political class, I will buy that. As for the Apollo project, that is actually mandated under the Constitution in Article 1, Section 8 under promoting the sciences and useful arts.
The reason we're all here is that government has been stolen. We let it happen. And we're taking it back.
?! The current Democratic Party is considered conversative by anyone outside of the US. We have no left-wing in main stream politics. Our "right-wing", the teabaggers, are considered sheer whack-a-doodley insanity by everyone outside the US. In fact, Eisenhower, who was a republican, would apparently be considered a left-wing socialist by today's ultra-conservative views. We've moved to far to the right, we've about fallen off the map.
Exactly. Because Democrats have the liberal wing I can't even consider voting Democrat or being Independent.
If Dems want to become a trusted and plausible party again then they need to kick liberals out of the party.
But the democratic party isn't liberal. It's conservative. Just not as conservative as the far-right, bat-guano, locos in the teabagger party.