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Forum Post: Democracy vs. Plutocracy

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 6, 2011, 8:58 a.m. EST by seaglass (671) from Brigantine, NJ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Our political system in the future will be either a democracy ( rule by the people) or continue to evolve into a Moneycracy ( the rule of those with lots cash.) Our no. 1 job has to be to amend the Constitution, to re-balance the playing field that is now disastrously tipped against the people in this country. We need a new 28th amendment added that says Money is not the equivalent of speech and Corps. are not people. Without these two changes no matter what we try to do on the street or in the polling booth will fail. The PTB have essentially gamed the system @ its most vulnerable pt. It was clever and it was calculated. The Federalist Society had its plans well developed long ago to do just these things and others. We have a Plutocracy now and its going to be very difficult changing it to anything else because the PTB will fight like hell to retain both of these precedents. It might even be necessary to hold another Constitutional convention to do this , but that would also be fraught with hazards and extremely risky. We can change the Constitution its been done and done quickly where a consensus is reached, as was the case with the lowering the legal age to 18 from 21.



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[-] 1 points by aahpat (1407) 13 years ago

Until we reassert control America is a failed democracy because those who have subverted it continue to benefit from the success of their subverting it. At the state level the two dominance parties have severely damaged ballot access for alternative candidates. This will not change while the two parties dictate the rules of the game in the apportionment and ballot access rules processes of the states.

Occupy the 2012 Elections!

There is a way to protest the lack of valid choices offered the people by the Democrats and Republicans. And to reassert some control over the democracy if not the election process.

The elections are the one time that WE the PEOPLE get to express our political opinions in a forum that is actually counted by the government. So instead of passively flipping switches as the two dominance parties tell us to do I use the WRITE-IN option to express myself.

  1. I Write-In candidates who reflect and respect my values. In the 2012 elections I will Write-in Elizabeth Warren for President in the Democratic primary. Wall Street hates her.

  2. I vote strategically. That is, in the primary, I change my voter registration to whichever party has a candidate that best reflects my values. Including Independent. Don't lock yourself into the phony two party paradigm.

If the #Occupy movement were to mount a massive national voter registration movement for INDEPENDENT voters it would send a massive and powerful message to both the Democrats and Republicans. It would scare the hell out of them. Neither party would any longer be able to expect these votes to go their way.

I have been mainly registered as an Independent voter since 1996. Prior to that, as a Democrat, no one cared what I thought because I was expected to vote the party ticket. Once I registered Independent the pollsters started calling me during elections asking for my opinion. Politicians call me incessantly at election time because they DON'T KNOW WHAT I AM THINKING.

My opinion counts as an Independent.

[-] 0 points by seaglass (671) from Brigantine, NJ 13 years ago

I agree. I'm also an old dem. that is now a Progressive Indie. The 2 parties are so corrupt now they are IMO beyond any redemption.

[-] 0 points by aquainted (268) 13 years ago

Well then, we must organize the nation then to withhold taxes and occupy until these two matters are turned around. We need several million people to start the tax strike. We will need to define our goals clearly to enlist people. When should we start it?

This will never get done without a real fight of some sort.

Then we need get the people voting on the internet so they can rule and stop the madness.