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Forum Post: Democracy? Part 2

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 27, 2011, 10:43 p.m. EST by modszhrafow (1) from Brisbane Grove, NSW
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The truth is that every person on earth has a right to their own say on how Brazil's Amazon river and rainforest should be utilised or protected, how Australia's huge iron ore deposits should be distributed or preserved, and how the biodiversity of our planets oceans should be harvested and managed etc etc. The whole idea of we “own” this and they “own” that has to vanish. Nothing is ever truly owned by any seperate entity, whether they be an individual/group of individuals or a state, they are but given the privilege of utilising our precious resources for the brief length of their lifetime, in the case of an individual, or the duration of their organisation, in the case of a state or corporation. Nothing lasts forever, change is the nature of evolution. Creation is a divine gift to everyone and everything, and we all have an equal responsibility to both protect and enjoy it. The idea of seperate nations is fast coming to the end of its usefulness. A democracy is just to susceptible to corruption and the denial of responsibility when administered through representative forms of government on the scale required to deal with the massive population size of modern nations. A truly global democracy could work effectively when based on the idea of smaller population groups, such as Counties/Shires/ Provinces and Regions etc. These populations would be of a small enough size to allow whomever had the desire to participate the chance of doing so, through such things as community steering groups that can discuss ideas and solve problems as they naturally arise, and research and development (perhaps through trade, arts/craft and science guilds).

The global reach for this democratic model would come through the internet, with all the worlds little regional communities being invited to freely participate in a global sharing of knowledge. That way new ideas, technological developments and problem solutions can be discovered and shared in a dynamic way that has the possibility of utilising humanities potential for creative thought on a massive scale. This would be far better then the current situation, which only sees new developments arise through the whims of a minority with the intention of only benefiting themselves.



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[-] 1 points by EndTheFED (65) 13 years ago

I'm all for improving the world.... but i don't think having a WORLD GOVERNMENT is the best answer. It actually scares me. Then there is no were to go to excape if the perfect government becomes corrupt.

[-] 0 points by figero (661) 13 years ago

these are communists don't forget. who are these angels that will organize society for us?