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Forum Post: Democracy in America is stalled.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 23, 2011, 8:03 a.m. EST by Mike122333 (102)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

(rip) http://www.callaconvention.org/

"From the Right and the Left, citizens are increasingly coming to recognize that our democracy does not work as our Framers intended. Reform of any kind is stalled by a status quo that profits from blocking change—even the change of a smaller government, or simpler taxes. Neither side in the political debate benefits from this inertia.

Our framers preserved one method for escaping from captured government: an article V convention. A convention is method of proposing amendments to the constitution that bypasses Congress and directly involves each state. To read more about how it works, please click here.

The road to calling a convention is long, difficult, and fraught. But on many issues where Congress won't pass real reforms—like Wall Street regulation, government spending, immigration, campaign finance, and countless others—an article V convention offers a way forward.

We aim to show how an Article V convention can be an avenue towards reform on a range of issues. We want to show a how convention might work by sponsoring mock conventions in schools and communities around the country. Ultimately, we want to gather reformers around the country to raise the call for a convention.

To get involved as a supporter or volunteer, please click here. For more about why we need an article V convention, check out the video below."



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