Forum Post: DEMANDS: Pls Consider (1) Term Limits; (2) Restrictions on Lobbying; (3) Campaing Finance Reform
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 9:45 a.m. EST by jb11
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The Anarchist approach should be lauded - it is in itself a powerful message and a demand for true democracy that leads by example. If formal demands become inevitable, I recommend we keep our demands limited and strike at the heart of America's problem - the political process. We must (1) Demand term limits for our elected representatives both at the Federal and State levels and Supreme Court. We must (2) Put substantial restrictions on lobbying and we must (3) Implement Campaign Finance Reform.
TERM LIMITS: Currently, there are no term limits for Senators or Representatives in the House at the federal level. The Supreme Court voted against States setting term limits for their representatives. The Supreme Court justices themselves have no term limits. If it's good enough for the president, it's good enough for our representatives and top judges.Senators should be limited to two 6-year term limits and Representatives in the House to four 2-year terms. Supreme Court justices should be similarly limited to no more than 12 years. States should set similar limits. No elected representative should remain in office for over 12 years.
RESTRICT LOBBYING: Outlawing lobbying altogether is not likely possible and may impinge on First Amendment Rights. We should restrict Lobbying to non-monetary lobbying. Donations to politicians in or running for office by private interest should be outlawed. This includes defense contractors and the AARP - we need to be consistent in our message.
CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM: Campaigns should be run from a pool of public funds allowed for any candidate. No private money should be allowed in campaigns.
Today it is Wall Street and Defense Contractors, tomorrow, who knows. Unless we strike at the heart of the problem, our symptoms will arise again and take another form. Our problems are structural, we need to fix the foundation before we can begin building.
Thank you for listening.