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Forum Post: Demands: End the wars. Remove everyone from Congress. Investigate the 2008 financial-collapse-causing criminals. Throw them in jail. Seize their assets. Reinvest it into job creating ventures. Re-enact the Glass-Steagall Act.

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 21, 2011, 4:57 a.m. EST by 1776alloveragain (67)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Also, cap corporate political donations. Consider federally funded elections. I'm just getting started.

The approval ratings for congress are at 9% - an all time low in American history. Not even one out of ten people approve of them. If you lived on a stranded island with 10 people, and not even one of them approved of the leader, why would you still allow them to make the rules that govern your life? Is that what we call serving the majority? We must remove the corrupt leaders from power. To all the naysayers out there, I have a link for you:


This link will bring you to a documentary called "Inside Job" that won an Oscar for best documentary earlier this year. It will explain, in full detail, exactly how our government and financial institutions deliberately destroyed the global economy in pursuit of profits for themselves. Do not comment on this post until you've watched Inside Job all the way through if you want to have a legitimate debate with me. Otherwise you will not get a deserving response. It is virtually impossible to defend Wall Street after seeing this. Everyone should watch it.



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by Cocreator (306) 13 years ago

Cancel The Debt, private and public, Fake Money=Fake Debt Abolish The Forest Service and Wildlife Mismanagement Agencies, Corporate shills destroying the resources they are supposed to protect.. Tax the Rich.. Keep the good Congressmen, get rid of the deviant corporate servants,and insider traders.. Demand 14 trillion dollars back from the Federal Reserve and give it to the people, then we will stimulate the economy.. Abolish the Federal Reserve and return to gold standard.. Create Earth Restoration Projects, Focus on sustainablity,self sufficience, cleaning up and planting The Garden

[-] 1 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 13 years ago

Nationalize the federal reserve. Also there are still 10 good men in congress. They are the guys voting against the wars and against the patriot act.

Check out HR 2990 the national emergency employment defense act of 2011


I 100% agree with ending all the wars.

And thanks for posting a link to Inside Job. I've been wanting to watch it since I heard about it last week. Don't know how it took me so long to hear about it.