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Forum Post: demand an end to imperialism!

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 2, 2011, 11:18 p.m. EST by sadsadmonster (6)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Imperialism is the illusion of a more powerful country 'helping' a less powerful country. This is achieved by forcing their political beliefs, economic system, and military power on the weaker country for their own benefit only, and the benefits are only shared between the government and the wealthy. The Monroe Doctrine established a US policy against European powers futher colonizing in the west and seeing as a threat. The UN and any other internation organizations need to come to an agreement to stay out of other countries affairs and to enforce it as a whole. We need to demand change on a nation level. Occupiers, please, if you are devoted get more involved. The 99% needs representation in the government. Start small, become involved in the city councel. Run for positions in city office. Get in touch with current state representitives that already support the occupy cause. Set small, resonable demands, and work our way from there. Simply gathering and protesting is not enough. We need to prove our dedication and utilize the bit of democracy we have. Compared to other contries, we have the most democratic system so let's use iit to our advantage people!



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[-] 2 points by sadsadmonster (6) 13 years ago

EnthoIts not just oil. Think of hawaii, that was for protecting american businessmen investing in the sugar producation. We 'helped' panama to gain its independence, only to be able to build and control the panama canal. We used influence in china during the boxer rebellion to expand US-Foreign markets. The us began imperializing to expand our markets due to over producation, a desire for military strength and belief in. Enthocentrism. I didn't really think before I wrote about the UN, but still, if we don't attempt for any representation in our government, even though it may be corrupt, we will be unable to gain more public support. People complain at the lack of actual action by the ows movement, but if we show real effort, the public will become more supportive. And we need to become involved in the media as well and begin to inform the public on issues with being biased. That's what we'd want right? Remeber its be hypocrytical to criticize government anf big business for being biased and then force out beliefs on others. In order to change the corrupt systems we must take action and be involved, not just standing in the streets DEMANDING change, but take control and MAKE the changes ourselves or nothing will change. People who don't support the ows movement have all the right to be represented as much as we do. We want equality but some may forget that not everyone will agree and begin to force out beliefs on others, which is what we are against. And in my opinion, socailism wouldnbe a failure. Think, if the people who work hard get paid just as much as those who sit on there butt and don't work for they money, competition would become nonexistent and there would be no desire to actually try. You should get paid for what you work for. So, CEOs of corporations had no right to receive the big bail outs and hefty pay checks, just as much as people who don't put out any effort don't deserve the money of people who work hard. This would result in more even distribution of the wealth and government/politics should have nothing to do with the economy. Adopting a economic policy without government control would jhelp. By the way one of the reasons our freedoms are being taken away in this counttry is due to people being willing to give up personal freedoms for security, allowing the government to make my decisions for me, and the same for you. Less governement control is nessecary

[-] -1 points by irsfaggot (171) 13 years ago

Get in touch with your inner-self and try telling your elected rep, that A I P A C is not their leader.

Not going to happen, the system is gone way past redemption.

Everything you say is true,... but your solution is insane BIG-OIL created the UN, that's why its in NYC, and the land was donated by ROCKEFELLER BIG-OIL, all your solutions involve CIA front organizations.

You talk about IMPERIALISM, but NEVER mention the OIL, there would be NO imperialism, if not for the oil.

Local politics has no power over imperial decision making. Once local politicians are sent to DC, they always quickly become A I P A C agents, they learn on day-one its join the team, or fuck re-election.

Who profits, who wins, who desires the imperial wars is a better question.

The average ameriKKKan loves cheap-oil, and this the single most important reason the imperial wars will never end so long as their is oil to steal.

[-] 2 points by Joyce (375) 13 years ago

Hmmm, sounds like Alex jones just walked in the room.


[-] -1 points by irsfaggot (171) 13 years ago

I have already discussed talking-head whores today, don't you ever read?

All talking-head whores on TV or internet are the same.

Listen bitch, your the one posting links to these fuck-heads not me.

[-] 2 points by Joyce (375) 13 years ago

And......your misplaced anger stems from...........? Wait, shhhhhhhh...conspiracy.....careful, CIA and NSA coming for us. Lock, load and hunker down! Wait, the NWO knows all. Too funny, I'm done with you. Be good, buy gold. Prepare for the FEMA camps! Lol!

[-] 1 points by sadsadmonster (6) 13 years ago

By the way, don't be cussing on this thread or ill remove your post please. I was under the impression the OWS movement was non-violent, and you should be much more respectful of others, even if they dissagree with you. Its a bit hypocrytical to demand a more fairness, then lash out on others and single them out. Kinda like treat other the way you wanna be treated? Things like that are what gives the OWS movemment a bad name.

[-] -1 points by irsfaggot (171) 13 years ago

MOTHER ZIONIST has arrived, but its good that its the foul language that she objects and not the content.

Let me understand this MZ, this person post's a link to the most FOUL anti-OWS link on the web, and I'm the baddie?

I find your position to be beyond hilarious.

What do you do when your not defending the right-wing loonies?

[-] 2 points by sadsadmonster (6) 13 years ago

I'm dissapointed you seem to be more involved with calling me names than defending your position. You are sounding pretty ignorant at the moment.

[-] 1 points by sadsadmonster (6) 13 years ago

I see no link? And no, I could care less about becoming overly defensive immediatly, I was just saying be respectful and eliminate the foul language. I support the occupy movement, I'm just being reasonable. So tell me, what do you find hilarious? You make these statements but don't clarify... I am curious what your opinion is on how we should improve the distrubution of wealth, fix the corrupt government, and limit the goverments power?

[-] -2 points by MVSN (768) from Stockton, CA 13 years ago

The UN is a waste of time. But I agree with much of your post.