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Forum Post: Demand #9

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 11:58 p.m. EST by oddgrrrl (28)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Demands-#9-Amend medicaid on federal end; Rewrite federal rules so that low income individuals in any state can receive free or low cost health care based solely on income, raise the income limits of applicants, and require that all hospitals must accept medicaid regardless of HMO, and give a tax credit to states that comply and penalize the ones who refuse. Current eligibility rules are dictated state by state. Example; In Louisiana, one can only qualify if one is pregnant, diagnosed with ovarian cancer,disabled or over the age of 62. In NYC, one can qualify if ones earns $780.00 or less regardless of health conditions or pregnancy status, however after 6 months one must sign up with an HMO, which is not always accepted by the better Hospitals (Sloan Kettering will take stright medicaid, but not HMO medicaid ). Next best step-Universal Healthcare paid for by a tax increase on the 1%.



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[-] 1 points by Daennera (765) from Griffith, IN 13 years ago

I'm not sure how the numbers fall, but I have a sneaking suspicion that if you taxed the top 1% out of all of their wealth, you STILL wouldn't be able to cover the healthcare benefits you want to give away.

I'm just saying, you need to be more realistic in the actual aggregate numbers. Yes the 1% have a lot of wealth, but at the same time it won't even come close to covering the Cadillac care you want to hand out.

In addition, we do not want to get into telling businesses what customers they HAVE to take. Unfortunately, hospitals lose tons of money each year taking people who have no way to reimburse them. I feel all businesses, hospitals included, should be free to accept or turn away customers as they see fit. If we want to assure everyone of health care, there would have to be facilities who are completely government run in order to so without stepping on the rights of free enterprise.

[-] 1 points by oddgrrrl (28) 13 years ago

The focus of my post is amend Current eligibility rules NATIONALLY!

[-] 1 points by Daennera (765) from Griffith, IN 13 years ago

So? The lack of dollars still applies whether you do it nationally or not.