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Forum Post: Demand #1 to include voting/elections/democracy/representatives stuff.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 5:04 a.m. EST by occupythegreenparty (157)
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1)ballot Access: we need more parties to be able to participate

                 all states will follow same rule so all citizens are equal

2)debates: everyone who qualifies debates. no more leaving people out.

campaign finance reform: getting the money out/ public funding with minimal amount of citizen donations. Take the big money spending out (tv ads) limit to paper ads delivered to the citizens homes, and soap box activity.

3)instant runoff voting: removal of the two party inevitability

4)address bill problems: single issue, make sure they are addressed in order SO let's use this format We can add to the Equal Access Amendment but we know it will cover several things

5)donations: level the playing field, restrict donations of cash to people only corporations are not people

Lobbying: I was told in a mini sort of GA I had in DC that lobbyists are already regulated, that they are not to give money. What they do is promise that the business they rep. will donate to their campaign fund. But with the rules we create about donating, only PEOPLE can donate cash. businesses can only donate things, none of which can value more than $960

what else? Term limits? I don't think we should, but we could vote on that. I think if someone is doing well we should be able to keep them if we want.

The election machines have to be electronic AND leave a paper trail. The electronic part must have code that is not under proprietary protection so that the citizens can check it

Election day should be like Christmas everybody gets it off. National holiday.

Prearranged transportation? I mean if the church buses can come by every sunday surely we can come by once a year.

what else?

Anything else dealing with voting/elections/democracy/representatives? Lets put this all together in this one amendment so we can just say we want the Equal Access Amendment and then move on to the next corporate abuse.

Okay who wants to write it up and then we can all reply "LIKE"



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by occupythegreenparty (157) 13 years ago

All citizens of adult age have the right to vote. (wanna talk about felons?) Participation in the election process must not be discouraged. A diverse society such as ours must take care to hear the opinions of it's citizens. We therefore declare the following provisions to be necessary to make each citizen's vote equal. (aaagh I can't write this) Voting is the most important activity in a civilized society. Our forefathers declared that we should strive to make us all equal.

1) Board of Elections: Will be the hub of all election activity. Funds will be collected here for the candidates. Documentation will be collected here for proof of ballot access. Information regarding all public offices and their requirements will be at this office. Rooms to use for political parties to meet will be at this office. A central place providing information on all laws and bills. Classes on civics.

2) Ballot Access: All citizens should have equal access (meaning the same requirements) to creating a political party and achieving a ballot line. The Board of Elections should accept applications for political party status requiring only proof of actually behaving as a political party. These will be: statement of beliefs, proof of at least 12 meetings per year by agendas, minutes and attendance sheets. All who meet political party status shall have a ballot line and attend debates.

[-] 1 points by occupythegreenparty (157) 13 years ago

I'm just going to repost my version of the Equal Access Amendment one more time as a guide to how to write it up. Perhaps Holly? was that her name the lawyer, could give us some legal speak.

I've been thinking about our election system. I know there are many groups working on different things Like getting Corporations to not be people. And lowering the signature count to gain ballot access. I think we must do something to elevate the voting system to our most paramount activity in the country. So here is what I have in mind it's just a start, not fleshed out but...



Whereas Voting is the most important activity in a civilized society. Whereas the Declaration of Independence states we are all equal. Whereas the substance of life can cause us to be unequal such as our location, finances, education, it is necessary to set in motion boundaries to keep our elections equal for all citizens.

  1. Board of Elections: Need be established as the hub of all election activity. A central place providing information on all laws and bills. Classes on civics. Meeting rooms and the highest law abiding center.
  1. Ballot Access: All citizens should have equal access (meaning the same requirements) to creating a political party and achieving a ballot line. The Board of Elections should accept applications for political party status requiring only proof of actually behaving as a political party. statement of beliefs, 12 meetings per year, agendas, minutes and attendance sheets to prove the meetings took place. All who meet political party status shall have a ballot line and attend debates.
  1. Access for non party citizens: Citizen wishing to run without a party... must register at the BOE. They must convince people to write in their names on election day
  1. Debates: The Board of Elections will schedule a certain number of debates for all parties who have achieved status by a deadline (same day in every state) and all citizens who have registered without a party. The debates shall be afforded the status of the Olympics in that it will not be some short one or two hour activity. Location of the debate can be done by raffle or bidding. In attendance of the live event will only be media personnel. Any media may attend. Partial citizens will not be allowed in audible distance of the debates. Each Candidate will be given equal time to be used as they see fit. Let's say 90 minutes. The number of questions will be determined before hand. Candidates may know the questions beforehand.

Candidates may use powerpoint or some such device to illustrate their answers. All powerpoint sources must be identified. After the question is placed on the screen candidates may answer. The order of the answerer will not be as important because all answers will be recorded. The candidate may speak as long as they like but they will be using their own 90 minutes. Any time a candidate speaks they must turn on their timer to turn on their mic. If they run out of time before the debate is over they will no longer be able to speak.

  1. Donations: No donations may exceed the amount that the poorest of our citizens can afford. At $20 a month for the four years of contributing time a candidate would have to request funds that is a total of $960. To make donations citizens must go in person to the Board of Elections office and donate to any or all candidates not more than $960 a piece in the election cycle. The Board of Elections will check their voting status and deposit their donation in the candidates account. The board will inform the citizen when they have reached their donations limit. A candidate may donate to his own campaign at no more than $960. No other donations will be allowed for elections. Candidates will receive cards to access their funds. The board of Elections will be able to track purchases. Purchases for elections not made with card will not be allowed.

In-Kind donations will have their value determined at the board of elections not to exceed the value of $960. (so basically if someone wants to let you use their room the rental cost would be listed as a donation) A business may make an IN-Kind donation by going to the board of elections office of the county where the item will be used. (a certificate will be issued verifying what was registered for use and the value) A business may not make cash donations.

  1. Bills: Bills shall be single issue. Bills shall be addressed in the numerical order as presented. Bills shall not be set aside on a partisan basis. Not to be addressed until the party in power supports it enough to bring it out to committee.
  1. Voting: Instant Runoff voting shall be used to allow citizens the greatest opportunity to choose whom they want. Ballots shall be dot filled paper ballots that can be counted electronically and maintain a paper trail. (like in North Carolina, like the exams we take throughout school.)
[-] 1 points by occupythegreenparty (157) 13 years ago

I suggest after the amendment is written, we click reply and say Like or Don't Like. Instead of comments if you want to add something write it out. And we can all reply to THAT Like or Don't Like. We need to try and get some of this finished. Our friends can not stay in the cold forever.