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Forum Post: DEMAND #1: the Separation of Wealth and State

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 12:26 p.m. EST by EvolutionNow (3)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

We are the 99%. We demand Democratic Government that is Of, By, and For the People. We demand the Separation of Wealth and State.

It is past time for Us, the 99%, to declare, and rally around, a unified purpose. Can anyone reasonably object to the above demand?


In order for Any of Us (of the 99%) to effectively embark on the collective pursuit of economic recovery and positive social change, we must first obtain Access To and thereby Rightful Control Of our own Democratic government. In order to do that, we must first demand and enforce the dismantling the many anti-Democratic structures that uphold the corrupt marriage of Wealth and State.

The marriage of Wealth and State has has allowed the institution of Private Ownership to invade and conquer the institution of Public Citizenship. That invasion and conquest has laid waste to our democratic ideals, and reaped havoc on our economic system. It has enacted the systematic disempowerment of the citizen majority (the 99%) and enabled the harmful redistribution of Wealth to the micro-minority (the 1%).

There is no place for the monetary purchase of Super-Citzenship in a People's Democracy. There is no place for Corporations in the ranks of a Democratic Citizenry. Wealth must afford No Special Power, No Special Treatment, in the halls and courtrooms of Democratic Government. These commonsense truisms, and the democratic ideals that inspire them, flow through the Beating Heart of the OWS movement. And the Realization of our Common Democratic Vision begins with the Common Cry of our Common Demand: the separation of Wealth and State!



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