Forum Post: Demand #1: Get $$$ out of the political process
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 23, 2011, 2:30 p.m. EST by WeHaveDemands
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
This is THE first issue in my opinion. There is a robust forum happening here as well and in that poll 97% identified this demand as their first choice, among a very wise and reasonable list...spread it!!!
In my opinion, the heart of the issue is campaign finance reform. We need to have all political campaigns funded by the taxpayers from a separate fund. An amount would be designated say: 50 million dollars or 25 or whatever is a reasonable amount to actually travel and give speeches, and provide security for the candidates etc. And that NO OTHER MONEY be used, and that any contribution from ANY private donor big or small be made unlawful. AND REMOVE SPECIAL INTEREST LOBBIES from Washington.
THEN we can begin to re-center American Democracy around the electoral process and the actual WILL of the people.
Right now, politicians tell their "constituents" what they want to hear and make all of the promises they need to make, and then, newly elected (or re-elected) arrive in Washington and are immediately cornered and overwhelmed by all of the special interests that actually funded their campaign and dictate policy, and these politicians no longer connect "doing the will of the people" with "being a successful politician."
Campaign financing and the lobbyists who OWN Washington, and every politician on both sides of the so-called “aisle” in their back pockets: THIS is the straw that is stirring this corrupt drink right now. Our leaders no longer need to act in the interests of the people they serve. Moreover, it is actually political suicide for them to do so.
THAT, I feel, is a good "starting point" for one of this beautiful and exhilarating movement's central demands.
spread it...
well said Keep us focused!
Amen to that!!!!