Forum Post: Deja vu -- Worst-case scenario at Texas fertilizer plant exceeded by fire and explosion.
Posted 11 years ago on April 18, 2013, 8:24 a.m. EST by grapes
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Corporate [West Fertilizer Co] estimate: "The plant's report to the EPA said even a worst-case scenario wouldn't be that dire: there would be a 10-minute release of ammonia gas that wouldn't kill or injure anyone, the newspaper [The Dallas Morning News] reported."
Actual report in CNN article: " 'Like a nuclear bomb'
The blast shook houses 50 miles away and measured as a 2.1-magnitude seismic event, according to the United States Geological Survey.
"It was like a nuclear bomb went off," [Mayor Tommy] Muska [of West, Texas] said. "Big old mushroom cloud." "
This would be a great conversation if you weren't an ID that everyone gets a turn at. The door knob multiple ID.....
What is a door knob multiple ID?
The middle school located close to the West Fertilizer plant in West, Texas has more than once been evacuated due to fumes and pollution released by the plant, but the company failed to report any related emission events to state air pollution authorities
who would profit from this??????? the epa. another power grab.
Aside from the U.S. military forces and our national guards (which can be federalized), the EPA is the only federal agency that can truly strike fear into the hearts of corporate miscreants. We the people of the United States deputized the EPA to safeguard our environment through the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts decades ago. EPA does not need another power grab. All it needs to do is to carry out its mission and realize its objective.
the epa will grab for all the power it can. though they are not empowered by the constitution to make law ( only the congress is) they do make laws by calling the regulations.
The EPA cannot make laws but it can interpret the laws and execute them through its regulations which can figuratively speaking burn the hair off of the head and tail of polluting corporate miscreants. The miscreants have the right to sue in the U.S. courts but they may well be taking their chances.
the epa make law by calling what they put out" regulations". they are laws. they are not constitutionally empowered to make law.
There is a crucial difference between regulations and laws. Laws must be upheld in our courts or be struck down. Regulations do NOT have the backing of our Congress and therefore not given the power of the purse and can be lobbied for or against or changed through the Executive branch of our federal government.
the epa goes after big fish , which can fight them,.and little fiss,...private citizens which cannot.
The EPA can go after both big and little fish. Of course, the big fish have more monetary resources to defend themselves and often buy their ultimate driving machines 'Bought-My-Ways' from our Executive branch indirectly through 'campaign donations'. Here money IS speech in all branches of our federal government -- campaign donations to our Executive and Legislative branches and retainers to big law firms to our Judicial branch.
Sorry for the little fish which has no money but isn't that really part of the all-new 'American way' sanctioned by our Judicial branch, now packed with weathered and shriveled firewood by the dried-up Bush?
how about nathan lane with pearls? or the " wise latina"?
To achieve the 'American way', new foreign immigrants need to line up properly for the best Coney Island hotdogs from the Latina Pearls of Wisdom.
You must be an out-of-towner (not a New York City native or a true-color carnivore). Haven't you been to Nathan's in Coney Island and queued up in lanes to get the hotdogs? Nathan's was where the world's hotdog-eating contest was held year after year. I am sorry to report that unfortunately Americans were quite incapable of defending the world title in spite of our hefty sizes -- those international match-stick folks seem to have an edge. Elena, ah yes, what a lovely name!
i have been to nathans,....................many many times. love their one of kind french fries. still ,...elena kagan looks like nathan lane with pearls.
Okay so you are a true-color carnivore -- keeping the herds healthy through ecological balancing. Looks as always can be deceiving but I will admit readily that an attractive face and demeanor help advance one's life trajectory. Don't we all love to be around beauties of every kind? Of course, the sexiest organ in the human body is the brain so looks can only be second best at most.
kagan fails on both.