Forum Post: Definition of insanity: OWS repeating the same behavior of the 1960's & expecting a different result.
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 14, 2012, 11 a.m. EST by aries
from Nutley, NJ
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The communal living experiments of the 1960's was a disaster. Yet you want to try it again. Be my guest. We got over the 60's & we will get over OWS
Expose the cabal !!!
Don't forget that most of the kids involved in the '60's grew up to cause the financial problems of the last few years.
yea - good point ! All that LSD !
What exactly do you mean by communal living?
everyone pooling their resources living in harmony equally.
Ok well it could be great or it could be terrible. There would always be someone who wanted to be in control of said community.
exactly! And that's what happened. eventually all the free love & "sharing of everything including wives & girlfriends etc led to peoples jealousy and that's how the breakdown begins. Nothing new here. All has been tried since the beginning of time. Yet OWS wants to give it yet another try lol!
Yeah I see what you mean and you are totally right. It just would not work because of the way the human mind works.