Forum Post: Defining Goals for the Movement
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 11:27 p.m. EST by mjparsons52
from Columbus, OH
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I am a strong supporter of your Occupy Wall Street movement. I live in Columbus, Ohio and have spent many years working in the mortgage due diligence business and know "first hand" the injustices and criminal actions taken by Wall Street executives generating gross profits off the hard work of middle class Americans. Unfortunately, YOU ARE MISSING THE BUS in your momentum and goals. The criminal elements in the corporate offices and government offices are just closing their expensive satin lined curtains to the presence of your movement as you are NOT hitting them with anything threatening their stronghold. They do not need to even respond to your demands until you pose a threat or an option to their control. I challenge you to poll every rally nationally to determine the number of REGISTERED VOTERS IN THE THRONGS OF PEOPLE BLOCKING STREETS AND CLOSING OFF ACCESS TO BUILDINGS. Encourage every non registered voter attending a rally to immediately march from their rally point to a board of elections office and camp out there until all the protesters are registered voters. THEN YOU WILL HAVE TRUE POWER IN YOUR PROTESTS AND CAN POSE A REAL THREAT TO THE POLITICIANS BEING BOUGHT OFF ALLOWING WALL STREET TO CONTINUE RAPING THE POCKETS AND SAVINGS OF WORKING CLASS AMERICANS. Corrupt politicians and corporate executives have maintained control of our government for many years relying on low voter turn out and apathetic voter response as a way to seize control of our government and our country. Targeting of one or two special interest groups, such as women, veterans or ethnic groups has allowed elections to be swayed in the direction of political strategists whose profession is to research and manipulate voter apathy into winning elections. Hilary Clinton started a great revolution in the election process by encouraging expansion of voting access. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS POWER !!!! Encourage your protesters to find alternative candidates and learn about their values and positions on government regulation of Wall Street and use the rallying notoriety of your movement to enhance the visibility of candidates that support your values. The Wall Street "spin doctors" and the political strategists of your opposition are feeding the national media with your lack of goals and direction as a way of undermining your momentum. DO NOT LET YOUR MOMENTUM BE DAMPENED. The only arena where you can threaten the continued stranglehold on Americans wallets and futures is at the election polls. Use your national recognition NOW to motivate people to go to the polls, register as voters of opposition and find candidates that support your goals. Only when people remember the power of the individual vote will there ever be appreciable change in government and corporate ethics.
Sounds more like a Bowel Movement.